Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with what the OP is trying to say. Yeah, mercy’s balance is a hot topic and it always will be because a LOT of people like playing her. It’s okay to complain about it-- to a certain extent, I think.

Also I don’t think this is a mercy main topic problem either. This is a general problem that all forums have to maintain-- spamming the same topics over and over, whether it is about mercy or how Summer Games suck.


Techincally they reverted her healing if we wanna be like that.

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They did revert her, her healing. They also said that Mercy was in a good place, then nerfed her right after.


Devs should make a mega thread for every hero, I’m tired of seeing people complain about Lucio not being viable.


That’s probably one healer I don’t remember seeing posts about at all.

You do realize Jeff made that comment when Mercy’s pickrate was tied with Moira’s right?

I made a thread about that phenomenon myself a couple days prior to Jeff’s statement.

Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)


Just saw a few today, maybe you’re not looking hard enough.

Lucio truly deserves the most; he’s a good boy


Yeah, things change over time…

This clown is arguing Mercy is underpowered in this thread and claiming she’s overpowered in another one I posted. Don’t feed the loser.

But a Tracer main named “BanBrigitte” is very funny and tells you everything you need to know about him; that he can’t deal with counters and has gone through 5 smashed controllers in rage fits.

Yeah. I wish I could play him, but… pathetically falls into another pit

And people say Ana is hard :expressionless:

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1: my name means nothing

2: I don’t main tracer i dont even know where you got that

3: my controllers are fine since I don’t rage and break the things I spend my money on.

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You said he’s a trash can in my thread. Make up your mind, “profanity removed.”

Who’s arguing either of those points in this thread though?

Also, when did I ever say Mercy is underpowered? Or Overpowered? Just a little confused.

WHO??? Lucio? He is. Still tired of seeing threads about him since you know… we’re being fair here.

“Banbrigitte” in this thread: Mercy sucks because devs ignore people who play her. Lucio mains shouldn’t complain, he’s fine.

"Banbrigitte in my thread: Mercy is the best healer. Lucio is garbage and so is anyone who plays him.

He’s a troll. He’s just here to argue the opposite of what any OP says.

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-February 8th
-“We” feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable
-“It’s been too soon”

They literally nerfed her in January and were waiting to see what happened. She is still OP because of rez. They continue to show their lack of awareness that rez is the problem with the most recent nerf. Jeff genuinely said that because he (and the rest of the dev team) legitimately do not understand what the problem is, as made apparent by the most recent patch. He put the notion she will be reverted to rest at that time because she was still powerful, and still retained some fun while playing.

No one agrees with them not reverting her. They fail to understand the core problems with their rework, so they will fail to understand why she needs another rework/revert. Everything they’ve ever said to us is basically a major “FK YOU”.
At the end of the day, there’s something fking wrong when the devs don’t read ANY feedback, continue to make the hero boring to play, spread misinformation about what theyre changing, support toxicity towards us, nerf the wrong things, ignore massive threads about how reverting is healthy, and silence people when they call out the Devs horrible balance decisions. Something is genuinely fkin wrong.


Incidentally, if you want the core reason Resurrection was changed, I think this is the answer.

They dramatically reduced the Ult economy, and didn’t want a “Undo all the Ults” button anymore.


Ah, thx for clarifying.

You guys should stop pretending you represent any kind of majority. That’s probably the most annoying part of mercy spammers.