Can we stop pretending queue times were not an issue?

they were 100% a MAJOR concern…and still are…Aaron is throwing out the olive branch with him saying they will be experimenting…but he made it very clear that he does so very nervously…and its because they know that queues will be a major concern


Queues were fine before and after RQ was implemented in open queue.


It’s hard to feel bad for the Overwatch team when they themselves repeatedly denied the change to 5v5 was because of queue times.


i think people have wrongly interpreted comments to come to that conclusion…

while it was never THE reason, queues have always been a one of (a major one at that) the reasons why the game is now 5v5, having been mentioned many MANY times in past

and by comments i mean the one recently from that one person no longer working there (that then got plastered everywhere because some CC’s latched on to it)…because i cant think of any other occasions where that has been implied


It’s definitely a joke that people are pretending it wasn’t an issue. Everyone with a functioning memory could tell you queue times were definitely awful.


It should be very telling that so many people would rather sit in queue than actually play an OW2 match.


Pffft, then why are they still here?

An enormous amount of players aren’t. For example out of my group I’m the only one who still plays.

Others play because they find it less fun but not bad enough to force them to quit. Or just addiction.



You make a lot of sense. People hate the game, but they can’t stop playing.

Because. The reason is because.

I guess reading isn’t a strength.


yea reason im here even tho the raid tank bosses, the stomps since probably a raid boss 5v5 format, silly passives and among other things that are not gameplay balance. monetization and no lore/pve missions or story or they said no more of that and probably no more animated cinematics

no mercy or pharah pixar animated cinematic :cry:

thats just me tho of course

can relate lol


I mean your reason amounted to a big fat Because

No solid reasons.

If everyone and their mom wanted 6v6 back, they would have done it lol

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key part of the statement

we think there could be other ways of putting a team together that aren’t quite as rigid as a set composition, but not as loose as Open Queue. We’ll be running at least one Quick Play: Hacked based on this idea in Season 13.

open q with role limits mostly just tank limits is how it works.

anyone dreaming 2-2-2 isnt going to get that.

Almost the entire playerbase will be against this idea, whining and throwing a hefty tantrum along with those CC, they need to ignore those and do it as its the only real solution to the current state to get good q times, quality matches.

also solve counterwatching and a ton of balance issues by going back to pre rq states.

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I’m just going to go with my last reply :man_shrugging:


Duh cus there is virtually no matchmaking in open queue so of course queues are fast

How can you accurately rank people when anyone can play anything? One of the strengths of role queue is that you are ranked per role which means people are more accurately matched where they belong.

You physically cannot match people who play tank at a plat level but dps at a GM level when they can swap to anything

Ow2 QP has more matchmaking than any open queue format

Yeah. It’s definitely better that you don’t have to wait ten minutes to play a game.


Thank you. What happened to common sense? I would forgive anyone who joined during Overwatch Dos, but there were definitely Morgan Madden parrots that should have known better. Shame.

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its important yes…but the basis for considering something like that is the queues…

they are afraid strict tank requirements because of what it means to queues…and he provided a chart to emphasize it


OW devs themselves came out and said that the switch to 5v5 was not for queue time related concerns. it was only for a gameplay format change. and the queues are just as bad if not worse than OW1’s queue times and it’s on a F2P model! LOL

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