Can we stop pretending queue times were not an issue?

No because most people saying they don’t mind queue for tank or support. Tank would be instant and supports only a couple minutes. It’s the dps queues that would be the issue. And I know a lot don’t care about dps issues but 20-30 minute queues for an average player in qp is unacceptable.

It was never that long for quickplay. Those queue times were only a thing for gm dps in comp.


conveniently also left out the pre rq stats lol , would have embarassed both rq and ow2 in one go,

When I first joined the game, queue times were NOT a problem.

Queue times became a problem after the game was left to stagnate for years and received next to no innovations.

There’s a huge reason why he used the queue times post 2-2-2 to make his argument.


that never happened for qp even in ow1’s death bed, worst you will have is 6 mins at off times and peak was always 1-4 mins.

and im talking a non NA EU pc server like sg at diamond elo.

All that said rq wont fly imo with current state.

open q with limits is the right way.



Even when the game was left bare-bones by the devs, QP queue times were pretty solid - less than 2 minutes IF that. And since a vast majority of the player base played quickplay…



Must be why so many people complain about awful matchmaking in OW2 QP then

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More people would complain if they were made to play open queue lol

I think the fact the majority of players dont play it is enough evidence to say people hate it. If OQ was better theyd play that but they play RQ. Yes they complain but that implies RQ is the best of the worst case scenarios otherwise if OQ was better theyd go play that than complain about RQ.

OQ is so bad people would rather not play it at all and go play RQ instead, than complain about it

Kind of says it all

You can’t just brush off the high-level queues

Your games’ top end gameplay cannot be sitting in queues, potentially playing other games while you wait for yours to even start….And even if the QP queues were not as bad, the comp queues still matter and those were horrendous

You can’t have people floating images on social media of queues upwards of 30 minutes long


What would Open Queue look like in OW2? Pick your hero of choice before you’re locked out of the role you wanted to play like the old days?

Que times were an issue coz of 2-2-2 format. before this, no one liked playing DPS because Tanks had DPS level dmg. So, they had both dmg and survivability. OW should have reduced tank dmg instead of implementing 2-2-2. That should have helped.

I think at their best in OW1 they got damage queue down to I wanna say 4 or 5 minutes in quickplay, maybe there were a few instance where it got as low as 2.5-3 minutes but that was never sustained in the long run, and this was only if you had a priority pass. Keep in mind that comp is usually at least twice as long and high rank comp can get to over 5 times as long. And this was with an extreme amount of incentive to queue for tank, they wouldn’t be willing to give any currency or anything away in the f2p model.

Generally I am in favor of longer queue times for higher quality matches, but 5 minutes is on the boundary of what I would consider acceptable. I do think with the increase of variety in the tank and support roles there is a chance it would stabilize somewhat, but my confidence is limited.

Queues are not any different now than they were then.

Can we stop pretending it’s different?


Partially role limited open queue 6v6 can be a thing alongside 5v5 role queue.

Can we stop pretending it is any better in 5v5.
The tank queues are even less than in 6v6
The only reason dps queues aren’t as long is because they loosen all the matchmaking and not because it is 5v5.

They lost more tank players with 5v5 than 6v6 ever had.


Let’s not forget too that the OW2 queues were VERY close to OW1 after season 1 and they had to widen the MM to adjust for it. OW1 by comparison had very strict MM.


What does that mean?

I’m glad other ppl mention that. Every queue time argument always conveniently leaves out the how much blizzard widened the MM after season 1 which creates so many stomps. OW2 end of season 1 was eerily close to end of OW1.


I mean… Aren’t they still an issue at high elo? Like I know I’ve seen CCs show like a clip of them responding to chat and they’ll have the “Queuing for Competitive” wait flag at the top and it’ll be at like… 15-20min?
Would the difference even resonate at that level?
Or are we worried about midrank DPS since they’ll likely take the biggest hit if the game needs to find 4 acceptable tanks before it can burn any of them?

Personally think it’ll be a wait and see scenario, maybe queues are unacceptable and 6v6 can’t be sustained, maybe enough people think it’s worth the wait. It’ll be a while before we have any clue since they’re worried over performance before they just launch us into a test run.

I saw 19 minute queues for support this season (peak times, NA east)