Can we revert cryo-freeze buggy nerf

for those who don’t know:
you’re unable to target/heal mei during cryo-freeze and is confirmed to not be a bug

this is so unnecessary


blizzard confirmed this was intentional. But I still don’t like it.


literally noone asked for that, jeff


I remember there being a thread complaining about being healed while blocked, and so being denied ult charge. Go find that thread-maker and give 'em heck, imo.

What’s sad is Mei is super nerfed, but the #5 most used DPS in OWL.

Move her to Tank, and her OWL pickrate should drop to nothing. And then she can get some real buffs.

Until then, she’s doomed to be an F tier DPS on Ladder.


i don’t like the idea of mei tank :pensive:


no the majority asked for the character to be removed from the videogame, but unfortunately she still in it

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B-b-but…Mei was meta for a little while, so she doesn’t deserve to be relevant anymore!

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Well, pick your favorite

  • Decent tier Tank
  • F tier DPS

Because there isn’t a third option.


i’m talking specifically about cryo-freeze bad design choice

and she was overnerfed

I literally asked for a freezing beam nerf/rework and they make a change like this which makes absolutely no sense.

can’t we just delete owl from the world

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Blizzard would rather nerf everything around the problem instead of directly addressing it. That’s why their balance is horrible

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They could, but it would probably cut Overwatch’s development budget by half, and they’d have the layoff about a third of their employees.

Assuming it’s not a lot worse than that.

They’ve sunk a lot of money into it.

it was a joke but, seriously, why not different balance changes :c

Honestly, because that’d be an admission of guilt that they’ve failed here.

Tbh, it would be really easy to make Mei a Tank.

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the problem i see is that now she’s a 350 hp “dps” that has the same damage as before

mei haters gonna hate even more

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Yeah, but her raw DPS is less than Mercy.

And Tanks are expected to be difficult to kill.

And Mei not being F tier by any means will get complaints.

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