Can we revert cryo-freeze buggy nerf

i mean, she’ll completely deny sigma and dva, as before, but now as a tank

sorry for being so annoying

edit: the fact that she’s “bad” is like a balance change for blizzard, they are trying to balance “annoying” heroes like sombra and mei by making them trash

You’re not being annoying, imo. The DPS roster would be more bland for losing Mei.

On the other hand, at least you’d have short queues if you really want to play her…

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That’s the one revert I could go with for Mei.

The trick is it would be kinda hard to justify Mei as a meta pick over other more viable Tank choices.

By offtank standards, her utility, survival, and firepower isn’t that high.

freeze is just like roadhog’s hook, but has no cooldown

cryo-freeze is like take a breather, but makes her immortal (provides less heal but supports)

ice wall is great for area denial and blocking enemies

her ult is one of the best zoning control in the game

in my opinion, mei as tank will just make her get even more nerfs because of how “perfect” her cc, sustain and damage (kit overall) is for a tank

Even if she’s just a C tier Tank. That’s better than being an F tier DPS.

we don’t agree :pensive:
utility dps will always be bad because or they’re annoying or f-tier

fortunately there will always be someone who enjoy them
i would just increase her ammo from 120 to 150 and revert cryo-freeze “bug”

The reasoning for that though it’s how strong they get when played at OWL/GM.

Where as if Mei is a Tank, then having her as a Tank is forfeiting the utility of a different tank.

not only owl players complained about mei and sombra being annoying

and torb was f-tier before rework

Either way, the main thing Mei brings to the table at high tier is being “almost a third tank”.

Removing that allows her to be balanced based off of what she can do on ladder, instead of OWL.

In what world is freeze like hogs hook?

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It isn’t. But her wall is played a lot like a hook, if you can use it right.

Since it instantly turns “in position” to “out of position”

just comparing off tanks, they’re both stuns and in the end of the day the enemy is right in front of them ready to get a burst damage (icicle headshot >< scrapgun)

Are u suggesting it needs to be buffed or nerfed as a tank?

i’ll just quit the conversation
i don’t think we’ll ever agree with each other in this theme

and i need to make homework

he made her a tank but without reducing damage or cc duration, and if he doesn’t, blizzard will do. that’s why i don’t like mei tank concept; in my opinion it will just make mei be even more nerfed and worse than before

Eh, she still does less dmg than every off tank atm. Im not a fan of her going into tank tho.

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Would kinda suck to get rid of DoubleBarrier only to have the meta fall back to Mei/Reaper Rush comps.

we are ignoring how annoying freeze already is in a dps, imagine a more resistent tank

blizzard will remove stun from freeze

That would also mean u lose a tank to have mei on ur team, and id much rather have another barrier tank than a mei tank on my team.

Balance in general imo, should be done based on gm and masters. High ranks, but not owl, cuz thats totally different from the game, and a hero like mei is still pretty good there on certain maps, and soooo bad in all ranks of ladder.

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in my opinion double shield is like a way to not die to the amount of damage some dps like ashe, widow, mccree… cause