Can we pls get 222 now? And fix ranked

Which hardly any1 has. Role based SR would be a massive improvement. Thats a fact

Yes but in my experience too many games are being lost due to stubborn dps players. I watched my bro in gold yesterday everytime he had 4+ dps he lost to the 222 team. Triple dps is playable but can be a chore for the solo healer or tank.

Good for u. Most people hate it and are sick of it and them trying to get rid of it has impacted the game negatively for most of us. (Lucio, dva nerfs, reaper, mccree buffs).

But its less enjoyable for the tank. I will happily tank alongside some1 else but i find solo tanking to be a chore

Yes it is because 2 2 2 is the perfect mix. That IS the point. Its enjoyable for all 3 roles and they can all be utilized effectively… :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Most synergises come from tank and support presence

  • Lucio can speedboost reaper, zarya etc.
  • zen discord for dive
  • baptiste can protect bunkers
  • mercy can enable widow and pharah
  • zarya works well with rein and can combo grav with dps
  • dva works well with winston/ball
  • rein can shatter for dps follow up
  • orisa works well with hog

U dont get this amount of synergy in multi dps comps with 1 tank or 1 healer.

Its not an auto loss if the other team is throwing too. If im expected to solo heal 5 dps id rather pick a 6th dps.

Because restrictions = less randomness

Less random = not as random as before
Also, ive touched on this previously

Nothing creative about multi dps comps and that’s all i see on ladder that isnt 2 2 2.

U can flex within roles

Soz i forgot to put etc.:flushed:

Bye now :eyes: