Can we pls get 222 now? And fix ranked

I dont wanna wait ages for this happen. (Tbh i’ve been waiting for the past 10+ seasons already)

Im tired of seeing dps instalockers locking dps & getting instant loss from the hero select screen.


(When I was playing on my support alt couple months ago)

And this is from 1 of my games when I played on main which was 3star silver portrait ages ago (now im gold portrait 1 star). And from what I remember I was the only one willing to fill into tank/support & did after I died once…

Whats the point of having tanks/supports at all or playing them if people are just gonna play dps, or give up after they lose 1 fight & goes dps, etc.

Its just getting even worse cause its end of the season too soon.
I’ve had plenty of leavers yesterday & even if I did played tanks/healers & tried to stay positive… (like if I have to count more than 20+ people left, I lost over 200+ sr & my high diamond rank cause of people leaving/those who were toxic/throwing almost every game.)
Couple of pictures what I managed to find when I had leavers…


Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


LFG is a thing. Use it.


Ah here comes the use lfg people in 2019… Lmao

I’ve tried it & it was just waste of time, 15+ mins to find people plus another 5-15+ to find a game…
(Had throwers/derankers, people beeing toxic in there too. Or when I was trying to find a team from the couple of groups what I saw every time, people just kicked me out of nowhere when I just said hi/hello…)

And nowdays I just see 1-4+ names what are derank to bronze/looking for egirl, etc groups. So theres no point of having that thing/use it anymore.


Tried. Empty and in the rare occasion I find someone they are from 250ms.

Any other suggestions?


You’re all the same people who begged for LFG, and now none of you use it, and then complain when there’s no one using it. Maybe if all of you who want 2-2-2 used it more instead of spending that time complaining and begging for an idiotic feature like forced 2-2-2, there wouldn’t be a problem.


6 dps is better than 2-2-2 btw

I literally said I used it, and I try to do every now and then with horrible results. I literally get folk from another server who are 250ms apart.

Maybe if you learned to read and I wouldn’t need to waste time explaining it twice.


I wonder why. LFG COULD have worked if it didn’t have a pile of problems all of its own.


Am I?

I didnt ‘‘begged’’ for lfg. A lot of people like me have wanted for forced 222 for months. Even plenty of pros have wanted 222 for a long time now, specially for ranked.

‘‘Idiotic’’ you say… Idk why I even waste my time with talking to you.


Assemble a team out of the game and play with them, practice with them. There are countless online places where people looking for teammates all the time. Practice combos, ult management. This is how OW is meant to played. If you soloQ you accept you don’t care about who your teammates are.


I dont solo q always.

I used to & still do every now & then q up with my friends from my esport college/other friends & with my ex-teammates from one of the Jaynes ggeu tournaments (not with those guys anymore tbh).

But havent done that for a while cause the times I usually play are past the midnight/early mornings & in na servers most of the time.

Nobody asked for LFG. They asked for role queue and LFG was what Blizzard came up with.


Good thing you actually separated those 2 concepts, the 222 and the rank fix, at least you are aware that those are 2 separate things.

Taking screenshots of extreme cases doesn’t change the fact the devs stated already : 222 is the most prevalent composition in Comp. Forcing it will do nothing besides "well … at least we dont have 4 DPS heroes"


They should have just balanced around 411. You reap what you sow.

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I absolutely agree with this. I had terrible 2-2-2 games and great “lots of dps” games as well.


See, I hate this argument. Probably no one in this thread begged for it, it didn’t even cross the minds of people like myself until it was introduced, and many people Have tried it multiple times.

People do use it. People like myself have tried to use it, but the system they provided is absolute garbage because of how the community treats it and how LFG is handled in and of itself. From wait times that can be upwards of 30 minutes, still getting terrible teammates anyways, leavers and throwers still happen in LFG, you’re still hard pressed to even find anyone who wants to tank in LFG, and most of the groups are joke groups or they have such terrible restrictions that you’re better off just solo queuing anyways.

But even when you find a group, you’re still 6 random people thrown into a group together. You’re a 6 stack of potentially 6 solo queuers facing off against potentially a 6 stack of people who have played together and known each other’s playstyles for ages. They could mesh a lot better than your random 6 solo q stack.

There is also locked roles that some people do in LFG, so verse a comp like GOATS where it’s 3-3 you can’t swap to a GOATS counter or do anything like 3-3 | quad DPS | or many variations aside from 2-2-flex (praying your flex will actually swap and maybe you could do a GOATS comp) where as your opponents will still be able to freely swap their comp.

I’m not saying force 2-2-2 but don’t try and act like LFG isn’t terrible and these people were groveling at Blizzard’s feet begging for this feature to exist.

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Nah. They said ages ago that they tried it and didnt liked that idea.

Also having 4 dps & 1 tank/heal isnt pretty to play as nor with. And I can tell that from experience too.

How about u use LFG for your 5dps games


No, they tried running 411 as a mode. They did not try balancing around it. If you balance around it, you can address the problems that come from solo healing or tanking… Obviously.

You know what I believe they dislike even more than solo healing or solo tanking? 5 or 6 DPS games. Hmm. :thinking:

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This point is so invalid you don’t even realise


Enjoy disbanding/turning toxic after a single loss.

Also wasting time waiting for private profiles and clowns joining looking for a carry.

How can you look at all this evidence to what we already know with and respond with such a dead point.

Chullia i genuinely feel bad this happened to you, the screenshot where your the last one on your team made me sad and im actually sorry.

It’s happens to most of us more than we’d like and if people don’t see a problem with instalock “Do nothing” DPS they need help.