I mean, I’d argue Winston does it better personally, but he’s got his own problems currently.
Sure, Winston and d.VA are a big part of why Ana wasn’t played much during moth meta, aside from Mercy making fights 8v6 if you didn’t pick her. You already seem to know what the reason this is more of a statement of how things used to be because of the proliferation of cheap/easy/low-investment CC abilities that make Winston miserable to play.
If we consider the last 6 months, Ana has had a 26% pickrate, is that giant enough for you too?
Just to give you some perspective.
When we had Mercy as Meta, Ana was being picked in around 10-11 matches out of 100.
Right now, Brig and Zen are being picked in barely 5 matches out of a hundred.
So yeah, she was never as bad as these two are right now which is what I was trying to prove. Outside that, Ana has never been remotely close to being in that position again, even when double shield was meta… That tells you something.
It actually works the other way around my friend. Zen uses ult to save his team and since almost everyone gatters, Ana has a free 4-6 man anti (unless she misses somehow).
Trans AOE: 10m
Anti AOE: 4m
There’s no reason for people to group up for this to happen to them unless they’re stuck in a grav.
Why do you ask a nerf for a common ability which instant aoe heal the target area, +50% more healing +100% Reducded healing to enemy team?? where is the wrong with that… just because 1 common ability from a support can lead to a team kill? … where is wrong with that ? xD
I wouldnt mind to rework that ability as ultimate and give it more buff… but it would be an ultimate… not just a common ability.
You mean Ana’s played a lot in tank heavy comps on ladder, the same type of comps we’ve been playing for the last 6 months? I never would have guessed.
Meanwhile just a few months ago she was a throw pick, despite her pickrate in gold-plat, her winrate was atrociousness:
It wasn’t much better the following month:
Even right now, Ana being the most picked support across all elo’s, has a sub par winrate.
Ignoring statistics again I see.
She is so good that she HAS to be played in all rank ranges, even if they aren’t playing her well, but okay keep trying to defend her.
Lmao, now that’s some hilarious mental gymnastics.
Statistically, it is better, and people are doing much better with Moira than they are Ana. With both a decent pickrate, and a much higher Winrate than Ana. That trend goes straight up till masters.
But i’m the one ignoring statistics.
Go away.
Edit: on second thought, I’ll do us both a favor and block you instead.
I’m curious to see if nano boosting does factor into her overall stats. As for the ultimate factor they could raise the damage increase or reduction instead so it’s more a stat modifier then a burst heal like armor packs used to be.
That’s why I suggested that change. It gives Winston an added edge while providing counterplay and mind games to Ana.
It was slightly more then just that. Reaper, Mei, Moira and to a lesser extent Doomfist could cleanse antinade effect from themselves. While the tanks could survive with fortify and grasp to sustain long enough for the effects to clear.
Moira worked better then her because her damage and healing can get through barriers. Zenyatta and Baptiste had the damage together to put pressure on barriers and deter flank attempts.
While Ana’s damage was blocked or negated so she was forced to play as a healing bot and hope a clutch nano won them the fight. Sigma could keep putting a barrier up between her and her target and deny her that precious value.
Damage is simple to explain as those that ignored barriers could see better results.
You just avoid the argument of Brig and Zen being even worse tha Ana on her “darkest moment” according to you. And now, you try to dismiss her massive pickrate by saying that “Ana’s played a lot in tank heavy comps”…
Then, you proceed to link two months worth of info saying “how bad she was” even though we know double shield was a thing, and even then she was never a throw pick. Ultimately, 6 MONTHS woth of info say otherwise but hey who am I to judge your opinion.
If she was so bad how comes her pickrate is still higher than a few healers right now?
I am sorry but this is going nowhere.
Feel free to keep posting not gonna waste any more time on this futile discussion with you.
Because that’s not exclusive to Ana. Most of the hero roster was rendered useless with no wiggleroom or ability to operate around double-shield. It’s not a good example, honestly. Even heroes that theoretically should have been good against double-shield weren’t even optional.
This is what he does. He isn’t worth your time, you already proved him wrong.
No, You’re trying to strawman that what i was saying was ana was complete trash tier and absolutely everything in the history of ever was better than her. If you’ll press ctrl+f, you’ll notice, i never typed anything even remotely close to that. What I did say is Ana was a throw pick just last meta. And wasn’t even the go to meta support for goats, despite her pick rate on ladder. There were other supports which were doing much better than her, (again, not all of them as you’re so eagerly trying to strawman here) which subsequently trashed her winrate, because despite people trying to run her in gold and plat, she was by all accounts a throw pick with an atrocious win rate.
I would love to know your definition of a throw pick, if it’s not picking this hero is a bad idea because they lose much more than they win.
I actually agree. But we’ve got many instances of this happening with the exact same nade she’s had since season 4. Dive destroyed her, double barrier, grav dragon, double sniper, quad tank had nothing to do with Ana despite her nade being the exact same. Bunker, pirate ship, jakerat. She’s been bottom tier, if not next to bottom tier in all of those with the exact same nade.
Ana can go to being a throw pick with a meta shift. Needlessly nerfing her because she’s highly picked now after everything else has been nerfed to the ground just breaks an already balanced hero with great strengths and crippling weakness.
Nades fine, it’s what separates her from good anas and bad anas.
Her healing on the other hand is a tad too high, Every other healer has had its healing nerfed (to lessen heal creep) I suggest the devs do the same for ana, Even if they need to give her another buff.
Terrible idea. I’m tired of the “nerf the latest trending support” threads. Supports already don’t have a lot of playmaking. Stop taking the little bit we have away from us and turning all suports into healbots. Ana has had the same nade forever. If it were that big of a problem, it would have been changed by now.
you wanna dumpster ana like every other support?
I think it would be a fine change. But if they really don’t want to get rid of the 100% antiheal, they need more cleanse abilities that can wipe it. I know Moira fade can cleanse herself and Zarya bubbles can, but that’s it. Give it a bit more counterplay, at the least.
Pretty sure Reaper Wraith and Mei Block also cleanse. Tracer Recall definitely does. Idk, most get out of jail free cards, I guess.
IMO a cool way to change the grenade would be to cap the maximum amount of healing the -100% healing effect can prevent, in which case the effect ends early even before its duration is up.
Because that same system (end early if enough healing modified) can be used to re-buff the radius and the positive +healing of it, which let’s be honest isn’t actually being utilized much any more.
Brig is already terrorizing high ranks and now you want 300hp shields.