Can we PLEASE get some Feeback on Sombra?

There is no other character as badly riddled with bugs as she is right now. Since her buff she’s dropped in pickrate and winrate, taking Bastion’s claim to fame as the worst hero. Can someone take a look at her and her bugs? A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #42 by Xaron-1831


Please Bllizzard, a word on her would be nice.

Jeff was recently active, hopefully he sees this and decides to speak out.

Doubt it. They almost certainly have a PR guy or something that checks comments they make on “controversial” topics, at least that’s what it seems like. Otherwise I feel like the devs would probably talk all the time - after all, there’s no way that hundreds or even a dozen people would all share the same trait of being unusually silent or secretive.

Keep this focused on Sombra guys. I don’t care about the devs’ recent silence, I care about Sombra’s bugs getting noticed and fixed

I just updated my bug report with a TON of new examples