Can we please do something to effectively deal with players leaving a match

I spent 25 minutes queueing for a game only to lose a tank leaving the team trapped in spawn. he did come back but by then the other tank and a DPS decided to leave. Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

I’m not looking for harsher punishment, cause that’s not going to solve the balance problem when people leave.

I want something along the lines of this, when some one leaves on one team someone from the other team in the same roll get suspended as a spectator. From their they can wait it out ( game ends or person returns ) getting all the experience they earned plus the team average, or they can just leave with what they have locking both themselves and the leaver out of the game, with no change to SR.

That’s just my idea, but I really want something to keep balance between teams when people leave, cause it’s near impossible when you are missing just one player.

I want to play the game as much as you do, as does the person that would have to spectate.
Did you think this through?


Yes, and I’m perfectly fine with being the spectator if it means I don’t have to deal with my team being a person down against a full team. At that point it’s not a competition anymore, your just banging your head against a brick wall. It’s even worse when your down more people.

Then leave the game and go again. one team gwtting a poor teammate that decides to leave should not punish anyone on the enemy team.
I want to play the game, not watch people play the game.
If one of my teammates leave then I accept it, wait 1:30, say gg and leave. Its unfortunate and that’s that.


Except you can’t start a new match until the old one finishes and it counts as a lose. I know it will suck when it happens to you but you have to weigh the enjoyment of one player against the enjoyment of five others.

Also I feel like you didn’t fully read my post. I know that some people wouldn’t want to wait so there is an out locking you and the leaver out, giving you the experience you earned in the match, no effect to your SR and allowing you to go straight into another comp game, probably using the new queue system they put in to prioritise you for a game.

Plus their was no bad players, one guy had an internet hiccup but came back and the other two left at the end of round 1 after they got tired of not being able to leave spawn with the payload still laughably close.

That’s just not true.

I don’t care. The number means nothing, if you’re willing to sit a game out just so you don’t lose a meaningless number then you’re playing for the wrong reason.

Again, I don’t care. I want to play the game.

Kinda true. I read it then I was so baffled by your suggestion that my brain got smoother.

No one would willingly sit there to make the game even, nor would anyone want to change the entire dynamic and meta of the game by making a change as fundemental as the number of heros.
You also come back to meaningless numbers. Are you sure you aren’t more concerned about the number changing than playing the game?

A 1:30 hiccup? Unfortunate. He ruined the game for at least 5 players and upto 11 if they are playing for the right reason.
Its a shame but 1:30 is plenty of time to get back in game.

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Maybe there just a difference between PC and Console players, cause more often then not when one person leaves the rest of the team sticks around and keeps playing till the game ends. Why are you so against the suggestion of a change that would have no affect on how you play the game.

Also this wouldn’t change the dynamic or meta of the game at all, it just a system to ensure everyone is playing with the same sets and number of heroes, even when someone leaves

I’m Just tired of arguing with you. Your being dismissive, hyperbolic and contrary for the sake of it. I’ll be happy to answer anyone else’s questions or listen to their own proposals, but if you’re going to continue like this, could you do us both a world of good and just stop.

Wasted dev time. The time spent making this feature could go towards something useful like fixing all th3 buggy abilities or balancing the frankly pathetic state of the game or a better implimentation of hero bans. You get the idea.
Oh and consistency. If we go with the option of being able to lock the leaver out then there is no guarentee that someone who did just dc could get back into the game.

Metas form around hero synergies. Let me ask you this, would goats have been a think if it was 5v5 and brig didn’t exist?

Its difficult not to be when you are asking for the team to spend dev time on a system that, as far as I can tell, you want because watching a game with the possibility of not losing sr is a better experience than playing the game and losing.

You really gonna call someone dismissive and then come out with that? Really?

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Come on how fun would it be to vote them off survivor style and banish them from the current game. THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN!!!

I cant imagine this would lead to increased hatred or bad experience in any way. Right?!?

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It is pointless to stay, You waste your time to lose any way. You might as well leave and get back into queue with the hopes of getting into a match where no one leaves. You have a 97% chance to lose when short handed. The 3% chance to win is not worth it.

My dude, the whole point of this thread is about balancing the teams when someone leaves.

Source for 3% win chances when down a player?

I definitely win or draw more than 3/100 matches when short. Maybe I’m just lucky though?


Funny but that’s not how it would work. Neither team would have an impact, only the person spectating would get to decide when they leave.

As for the leaver, in the current system they either genuinely left in which case there not coming back or they have a limited amount of time to return from a disconnect, a somewhat lengthy process. Unless the disconnect so soon the match is called.

Youd be better off backfilling. People are going to hate it as much as your idea but at least you’d have someone added to the match instead of removed from it

Plus how do you adjust the SR of someone who couldn’t participate in the match once removed?

Might as well just randomly kick a player out at that rate

They already said they are changing how leavers work. If it is in the timeframe when the match can still be canceled, all non-leavers will get put back into the queue with priority queue.

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I refer you to another comment above this one addressing that.

Lucio is my answer to that.

I never said I wanted to, just said I’d be willing too so I wouldn’t have to deal with a situation that’s making me hate the game when you asked who would.

Also, you could leave anytime you wanted, you’re not locked into it.

They would’ve had to long enough for the match not to get canceled, so if they choose to stick around they’ll get the affect to SR their team gets ( win or loose ) and a bonus to experience.

If they chose to leave they’re just out, with no affect to SR and the experience they earned, probably with the new queueing system giving them priority for a new match, with the match they left becoming a closed system. Obviously limits would need to be put in place so you can’t just leave within 15 second of a loss and have your SR unaffected.

I know, been referring to it in other posts, but thanks for mentioning. This suggestion is for when some one leaves or disconnects much later in a game. I know some people will just leave as soon as they can in that situation but I’ve rarely seen it happen and have never done it myself.

It’s incredibly frustrating and a vast array of ranks don’t have the skills to even hope of winning in that situation. At that point it just doesn’t seem fair no matter which side I’m on and would rather the match just be cancelled at that point if nothing else is feasible.

What? How? Why? I have more questions.

As someone who plays on Xbox, I have never waited 25 minutes for a match, no matter what time of day or day of the week I’m queuing.

Unfortunately it’s true. I was trying to finish my placements in DPS. I’ve once had to wait over 100 minutes to get a match in that role. It was better for a while with open queue, can’t wait for it to come back. I’m sure my longest wait times for the other roles combined don’t add up to 20 minutes.

Do you live in a sparsely populated area?

Game is designed to be 6v6, not 5v5.