I used to be a sombra player but at this point I’m just done with her
I dont even want her buffed becuase shes bad, I just want her buffed so Doomfist has an actual counter. But really this hero could use some help
I used to be a sombra player but at this point I’m just done with her
I dont even want her buffed becuase shes bad, I just want her buffed so Doomfist has an actual counter. But really this hero could use some help
Well how about
I don’t even remember why they reworked her original kit in the first place.
Let me guess, she was “too hard” for people?
Number 1 is a nerf. She already is garbage and people ask for even more nerfs. This forum is ridicilous.
I can support this with a buff to hack time from emp
Sombra is a utility hero,
Mainly people complaining that Sombra’s “poke and EMP” play style wasn’t “interactive” enough for them.
Sombra mains have never asked for any of the changes they’ve made except for the translocator cooldown buffs. Many have asked for some “buffs” to be reverted so more power can be put elsewhere.
But she plays even less interactively now with her infinite invisibility.
Blizzard logic at its finest.
She’s still fun to play. She may be in her worst state ever but still fun to play.
Yeah. I pretty much play her exclusively in the new 2-2-2 because two tanks means more stall potential while i setup, she’s more fun now. However, that doesn’t change the fact that i’m also losing more games than before.
The main issue are the teammates, they’re the ones continuously complaining ingame about Sombra being so weak. “Sombra Switch” is an even stronger meme than before. Can’t really blame them since a Sombra on your team is pretty much an automatic loss.
One of the common things Sombra mains said during the rework was “It wasn’t what she needed”.
I kinda post this everywhere but whatever shameless selfevertisment time!
What do you think of this:
Its nothing thats gonna make her immediately viable but its gonna make her a bit better at least (without everybody crying for nerfs again) and at the very least should feel way better- and more fun to play
Tell me about it.
Also I agree, buff Sombra.
She is basically Tachanka at this point.
It’s a nerf, because the next two buffs are sizable.
Besides which, lower tiers wouldn’t benefit from this nerf.
Just remove her and Doomfist
Now you have a far better game
She needs sizable buffs just to be able to compensate the nerfs she just got last patch.
I think she needs to be less of a problem for high tiers, and more viable in lower tiers.
So buff her by making her better at running and gunning.
Which also increases her ult charge gain.
She was never really a problem for high tiers. Her main purpose pre patch was to counter goats. Goats was the issue, not Sombra. Where was Sombra before goats? Never used outside of attack scouting for a better pick and immediately translocating back to spawn.
Thats it.
I wish they would have waited to see how she would have fared in 2-2-2. Clearly, it’s bad because she was dropping off before the nerfs even hit. Now, with them, it’s even worse. 2-2-2 made her weaker. Her 2 nerfs made her weaker. The new barrier-centric meta made her weaker.
She’s bad. I don’t even pick her in comp anymore. I’m tired of being flamed and blamed for the loss for picking her to try to counter the enemy team. She’s just a useless pick…and as a Sombra main, if they don’t plan on buffing her meaningfully, then they should just delete her. It’s ridiculous that she’s never allowed to be good.
Well at a minimum then, do the above idea, but without the cleanse part.
But bubbles fully block EMP
Since the most recent nerf is meant to be reactable, and bubbling is really about the only thing you can do there.
And low tiers can rarely react that fast.
No reasons for further nerfs to a hero which is already nerfed to garbage.