Give Symm her signature feature back!

Blizzard, give Symmetra her signature feature back which is her lock-on beam!

Symmetra is one of the heroes that is very easy to kill unless she is surrounded by her turrets.
With having a lock-on beam it made enemies think twice before going in to kill her since she had the power to kill a fast moving hero like Doom, Tracer or Genji.
Also with Symmetra being a easy hero to kill she cant just go towards the enemies to try charge up her beam!
It works with Zarya because Zarya has 400 health and a bubble to protect herself!

Symmetra with a Zarya-like beam just doesnt work Blizzard and you can read in the forums that people think the same way!

Isnt a primary fire supposed to be the attack you use the most in a game? Because right now Symm players use her alternative fire more than her actual primary fire!

Blizzard are you listening?

You changed Symm for people that DIDNT play her and you tried to make her less of a troll pick but she was more fun to play before her rework.

And before trying to drag me: This isnt about aiming or “skill”
This is about making a hero enjoyable to play again!


I disagree her SF is the barrier: Can we please, Add Sym's Photon Barrier back in while keeping everything else? (solved)

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhh her old beam didn’t counter any of those heroes. Every single one of them killed her before the beam could ramp up.

And no, primary fire is whatever you use the most. If you use the orbs the most, then that’s your primary fire.

There’s a thread for that concept

Welp lock on beam might not “counter any hero”, but it sure did executed many in the process than 3.0 wish it could ever do.

She can send a damage boosted low health 2.0 at you that has more range from 20m. Her turrets are there to keep all 3 of those heroes out of range of yourself. If they choose to pick at the turrets just to get to you, it is an ample amount of time to pop them with two orbs or (more realistically) force them away with one.

If you executed them with the beam, they were either horribad or you were at full charge, which was literally a Genji ult with more range. With a lock on, how is that at all good for game design when her full charge was much stronger than another heroes ult?

Her turrets accomplish essentially the same thing as her beam. This forum just wants her to have two lock-ons again, because apparently one isn’t enough.

Of course if she got her lock on back her DPS would need to be reverted too! We dont want Symm to be OP we want her to be fun again!
Her Dps pre rework was just fine to protect herself and scare away enemies that tried to flank her!

Sym doesnt need lock on, her primary beam is actually fun to use. I found myself getting bored of the auto lock after awhile. Besides, shes too vulnerable to have it, longer beam is better for her and the game as a whole.

Why tf would you want 30dps starting ever again? That is exactly why each of those flankers had an easier time of dealing with Sym than they do with 3.0 (except for DF who no version of Sym can deal with).

I disagree her signature feature is her dance. Blizz allow Symmetra to dance walk.

Not that it was doing crazy damage before, but now she’s a dps and you keep forgetting. It’s a " channel type " and have 70 ammo clip compared to the 100 she had previous meaning it will burn out faster than normal. The damage is fine where it’s at.