Can we pay blizz directly for the brig skin?

Jesus christ, you really hate entertainers, huh. Would hate to be your friend.

Not all the streamers featured on the list are people making a lot of money off of streaming. Some of them still work like normal people and just stream for fun with streaming as a full time job being in the far, far distant future. This is a good preview in what Blizzard could do for the content creators of Overwatch that they so desperately need to return back to their game. If something like this Support-A-Creator feature were to become a normal thing implemented into the game, more content creators would be enticed to create Overwatch content, therefore spreading the game to a larger audience and encouraging new people to try it out. (Source: Fortnite)

You don’t need to generalize the whole list as “lazy slobs”, that’s just rude. They’re all having fun and their viewers have fun watching them. Just because you’re depressing doesn’t mean everyone else has to be!


I’m literally just asking what your point is.

All I can gather is that you think it’s wrong that kids can’t make this purchase.

My point is that kids can’t make money on their own. They have to have parental involvement, so this is no different from ANYTHING a child buys, including the actual game itself.

What does it matter to you that a kid doesn’t have a credit card? How did they even buy Overwatch 1 if purchasing power is a problem?

Faust your point being hmm and thank you for caring about me. Much appreciated.

on this one occasion, would you rather support [terrible person] or [not terrible person that works to benefit terrible person despite good intentions, and reaps benefits while doing so]
(note: it’s not guaranteed terrible person won’t benefit from you supporting not terrible person, in fact it’s the other way around)

i understand if OP really doesn’t agree with the behaviour of listed streamers. a little far fetched considering there’s 150, but maybe there’s a few unlisted ones that OP likes and would get enough eyes on beta 2.

personally, i was trying to say that nobody working for/to benefit blizzard (in any capacity) is innocent and they all line the “bandit” pockets either way, so giving money to the bandit’s subordinates isn’t automatically the better decision (ethically, at least)

because i’m just like you.

we’re all complicit, i just don’t kid myself that i’m supporting the underdog while being complicit


We’re pulling TEETH to get you to state what your point is.

Oh and Faust you forgot I’m the only one that has ever gotten to speak with a blizzard entertainment employee on here by phone personally to his house lol. Also blizz said as long as I’m not on my main account I can post since this battle tag is assigned to my girlfriend account and phone number and bought and paid for legally there’s nothing that can happen.

I don’t care. Other people are saying they want to donate to “smaller streamers” or pay Blizzard directly instead of “whales.” You are making Faust’s point for them. People who are not okay with donating to streamers because of moral issues but want to donate to Blizzard instead are silly,

Faust is not above the moral implications. Faust is pointing out OTHER people, the original post is saying they would rather donate to any OW streamer, or to Blizzard directly, because of moral qualms about the listed streamers. It is stupid. It is stupid to think it’s morally repugnant to donate to an Overwatch streamer, but that it’s not morally repugnant to pay Blizzard directly.

What is your point? That’s all we want to know. You are complaining about kids not being able to pay with a credit card. Kids have no purchasing power without the assistance of an adult. Why is it a problem. That’s it.

Other than that, what the actual !@#$ are you talking about?

What is your point???

I’m 95% sure he’s 13 and he’s mad that he doesn’t have a credit card to buy gift subs.

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I’m going to literally make both of you wait as Long as my main account can’t post and that’s currently at
95 years or so.

If you want the skin but don’t know who to sub to, niandra is the best option imo. Never had any drama related to them, never been toxic, always been positive and helpful.

They mainly make youtube content for mercy players and don’t stream that often… but they’re by far the least problematic person on the entire list… can’t think of a single thing they’ve done wrong tbh


Yeah he’s 12, confirmed. He’s posting pics of his dad trying to larp as a member of the media

(But his dad won’t let him use his credit card on Twitch)


WyomingMyst, are you getting paid for defending Blizzard constantly? Genuinely curious, not trolling.

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I think he hopes they’ll give him a job some day

(what’s the incentive for them to do that when he’s already willingly working for them, for free?)

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I don’t plan to get the skin, but there are some good streamers that are really chill/respectable on there imo.

My small list of players that I would consider showing Support for the skin:



I’m 39 and my girlfriend is 35 sunshine. Faust if you are going to troll at least make it sound reasonable lol.

Every 39 year old has to name drop their girlfriend more than once and gets overtly upset about 13 year olds not being able to buy stuff on Twitch.

If you’re 39 why are you so worried about whether or not literal children can buy this skin?

My favorite part about this is that, on the launcher, it says that this is a free skin but it’s literally not since you have to pay for these gifted subs. Blatant false advertising is not a good look either.

Never do this :poop: again it is scummy enough that you guys have the audacity to ask for $30+ on that mythic Genji skin and more in October.

Why don’t you guys humble yourselves a little bit and stop milking your loyal players and consumers before they permanently turn their backs on you?

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Where is that confirmed?