Which, ironically, tend to be ones players enjoy the least. So it’s rather risky situation, when you have support ability, that makes playing solid part of tank role a torture.
I really hate that they made junker queen the new hero before fox girl. I really want to see what tank queue times would be like absent all the reworks and new stuff they got.
Those things are connected. And tank crisis may happen, if Ana stays as is.
She is among the strongest of supports, no wonder it’s too high. Yet she will remain among strongest and overpicked, if only small nerfs would be applied.
No they are not. There really isnt a tank crisis, you are making one up or saying it will happen at some point. There are some tanks that need work, the role overall is ok
There are damage and supports that need work too, that doesnt mean the role is having a crisis.
Anas pick rate is about more than just being effective against non shield tanks. One issue is that people just like her because she feels the closest of any support to a typical fps hero
Maybe thats not something that even needs fixing. Dart on a 15 second cd is fine to me, nade still needs work imo
Nade can’t be properly nerfed, simple as that. Even if antiheal will be replaced by 50% less healing, it’s still huge advantage and will get tank killed.
Or because she has one of highest HPS outputs in this game, on top of CC with longest range, one of(if not) strongest support abilities, and really good ult?
She is vulnerable to dive, but dive literally doesn’t happen in most of the game.
The have ruined Mei and others because of whining already. Don’t be surprised if they ruin Ana cos of whining too. Other potential targets to be ruined because of whining - Widow and Pharah.
They picked weird order then, since I find Mei a lot less frustrating, than Ana ever was.
Sleep dart flying from far away right into your tank’s huge hitbox and putting them to sleep for quite some time, versus freezing spray, that has to be applied for solid amounts of time, does relatively low damage, and requires to be very close.
The meta for the past week on OWL was basically Bap/Zen/Brig. We saw a bit of the other supports, but if the best supports in the world aren’t just insta locking Ana, what does that say about your argument?
I don’t understand the notion that Ana makes tanks unplayable. DVA has matrix, Orisa has spinny spear, Rein has shield, Sigma has shield and suck, Winston has bubble, Hammond has insane mobility, and Zarya bubbles. Only Hog doesn’t have a direct answer to her kit, but he also has a one shot mechanic so that balances out. We haven’t tested Junkerqueen yet so we can’t know say for sure, but let’s say Ana does counter her. So Ana does well against 2/9 tanks? Seems fair.
Seems like tank players can’t use their utility correctly?
Didn’t someone utterly destroy your exact argument in another post?
Ana used both her self peels? Dive her, now she’s defenseless. You can also dodge her mobility spell that has 4 second cooldown. FYI sleep and nade is 12s and 15s.
How is that free? DVA was always one of the better tanks against Ana since she had low cd on matrix and boosters. Please, make it make sense.