Can we not destroy Ana please?

We know support is the new bottleneck for queue times. We can’t afford to have anyone leave support queue otherwise dps queue times will sky rocket again and OW2 will be DOA.

And yet people here think we should nerf literally the most popular support for like 95% of players? I must be living in an alternate reality because this is unreal.


its just a minority of flat earth type crack pots. people laugh at them they don’t listen to them.


I mean…it’s the chicken or the egg…or maybe it’s a hybrid by now; Ana is popular because she is strong, and now she is strong because she is popular. The support role does feel pretty dooky because of her ~100% PR though; if you’re an Ana main, odds are the other player is an Ana main and you can’t play her. Or if you don’t play her and you get literally any other main on your team, you’re flamed for not taking an Ana. It feels poo poo to queue into support with literal years of Ana dominance.


if it didn’t help mercy who i still believe is the most popular support character to main it certainly wont help the golden girl. its for the greater good of the game, tanks will no longer have to deal with the most feared debuffs and and cc the game has and supports wont be locked into playing ana.

silly idea design anyway why is a precision based sniper character able to mitigate all of her weaknesses as well enhance all of her strengths by remaining close to her team. widow isnt designed this way.


Well, you can’t have 5v5 and Ana in her current state.

She is rendering half the Tank Roster useless so one of the two has to go and as much as I wish it would be the case:
It’s not going to be 5v5 that gets the axe.


Meta’s will change with each hero that is added, with each balance adjustment made. It’s too early to tell where Ana will end up. Definitely not before we get the next support.

Everybody wants to play Mercy even though shes sucks and thats fine.

But everybody wants Ana on their team and hates Ana on enemy team.

The solution is to just make a second Mercy and remove anti effect from Ana’s nade. Also reduce sleep dart stun duration by half.


I feel this one. I think the obvious solution is to get in more Supports that people enjoy, or give them more interesting abilities. They’re working on doing both, so this one should get better.

That’s pretty silly, considering how bad her unmirrored win rate is (we only know it for OW2, to be fair, but she’s stronger there than the first game). Bap is pretty consistently better than Ana. The only time this might make sense is if the other team has Hog, or maybe Ashe (so you can sleep Bob). I hope players will stop flaming for something so ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as how they flame players for not picking Rein, while not giving him any of the support he needs (ideally a Zarya, Lucio, Bap/Ana, and a Mei).

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Easy fix. Give those Tanks better countermeasures.

  • 0.2sec gap between DM usages, instead of 1.0sec
  • Doom a lot less movement penalty while using PowerBlock, or be able turn the PowerBlock on and off repeatedly for the duration of the ability.
  • Hog, do this

Where Green Health gives enemies 0% Ult charge, and can be gained during AntiHealh effects.

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If they nerf her it has to be her nade. It’s the strongest part of her kit and I’m already worried the devs are repeating the mistakes of OW1. Rather than just nerf anti nade to like -50% healing max they added a hero to counter her. Have we really not learned from the whole Brig debacle?


100% agree with this, sleep has never been the issue for me


Yeah, sounds like they should go 2 tanks and 2 supports, will be better that way. With the reworked tanks 1 dps should be sufficient.

It’s a tough spot, I don’t want to nerf Ana but I also want to play non-shield tanks.


I don’t think nerfing the anti-healing debuff would destroy her. She’d still be very powerful and played a lot. A 50% debuff would still be a massive debuff for example.

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No. Nerfing 8 other heroes because one is stupid strong is the Sigma effect, and we all know how THAT one turned out, with Orisa becoming a shell of her former self.

The easy fix is to change the one hero that’s the problem, rather than playing Whackamole with every combination that comes up over a period of months because one hero is too strong.

EDIT - But of course, that will never happen, because she’s in the Tracer zone. Just get used to the fact if you’re a Tank player that only half the tanks are viable as long as she’s on the enemy team.


Why are we making duplicate threads?


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This is always such an aggressively stupid take. She’s only the most popular because she’s a must pick in 90% of matches. You want to help the support role? Make it possible for supports to pick a team comp without Ana without it being de facto throwing.


I agree her anti nade needs a nerf but people want her sleep nerfed too which is unnecessary imo.

I know we have that statistic from the beta 1 recap but I refuse to believe she is the most popular support. There’s just no way when Mercy has so much merch, featured a lot more prominently in the marketing material due to being a launch hero, the forum Mercy main raid, Pink Mercy, and the 10x as many fanarts and ‘fanarts’ she has.


Not saying mercy isn’t really popular although I think she has a more actively loud fan base. It’s kinda like how we all know there are probably more widow mains than Sym mains but we tend to hear more from Sym players. Some players are just more vocal and I think mercy players tend to be more so than Ana players.

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