Can we leave Moira alone?

She’s a real healer, she doesn’t belong to the DPS roster.
People not wanting to play her correctly is a player issue, not a Moira issue.


What? Ana was replaced? When did that happen?

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A while ago its all about triple off healer goats on the pro scene, on the ladder people still run ana goats tho (however her pickrate his dipped about 3% over all)

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Moira is literally one of the most balanced heroes in the game. I mean good lord she does like the lowest dps out of the cast.

Playing support feels like a chore enough as it is and getting people to play support at all is a issue in mid to lower ranks. We really don’t need every support gutted until they become as mundane as mercy currently is.


It’s completely irrelevant if a hero in the same category gets a change, that doesn’t stop another hero not needing to be changed.

I for one do belive Moria is op. She takes out dps by herself. That makes her, a dps. She may have low damage per second, by she never misses. And also standerd dps have to do damage to shields and she doesn’t. Her damage his completey non trash damage. It all gets value. And with that I think people forget how pure damage she actually puts out. I often get gold damage with her. I’m not chipping a bit off everyone. I’m hunting down solo kills with her.

As a S76 main, I feel like the support when Moria is on my team.

She has amazing healing, can 1v1 anyone, amazing survivability, so this means she can never be out of place. Heal and damage and the same time.

I have always wanted nerfs to her from day one. She a main healer who does a dps job.


Maybe not but it doesnt change the fact she’s completely balanced

Biggest lie of 2018


What about all the other supports and tanks that can, also, kill DPSs?
Maybe… maybe this game is completely made of DPS.


Lucio can be played as an off or main healer, depending on playstyle. I get more healing than most main healers when I play him (which is a lot).

Elim’s means nothing to a Moira. She’s like in the sense that a tick of damage on any hero gives her elim credit. If she throws a purple orb into the crowed of enemies and your team kills them, she’s getting credited for 6 elims though she barley did anything.

I think the majority here thinks she is fine so, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Requesting Moira to get nerfed because she sometimes gets gold elims is like demanding Soldier get nerfed because he gets silver healing in a team with only one support.


I think the nerf Moira threads started up again because there were quite a bit of nerf Widow threads recently. So naturally now everyone supposedly needs a nerf.

Brig is fine now, she got massive nerfs and is in a good spot


nothing about brig triple support is fine

She’s fine. Idk what all this is about her. She’s balanced.

It’s because she has “lock on” so she’s “unskilled”

Fyi: Moira does not have lock on period, she has tracking like Zarya

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3tanks 3 supp for 8 months.
every suport buffed
no flanker in sight for 8 months
healers having highest pickrates


Not even remotely based in fact.

EVERY support buffed? Didn’t Mercy get like 14 consecutive nerfs? And didn’t Brig just get nerfed?

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brig triple support has defined the meta for 9 months and there is no end in sight.

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