Can we just Stop this

"She just keeps dying and dying, but she keeps coming back!

…aaaaaand she just burned down a huge tree."

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Look. I didn’t mind having her and the forsaken. Yeah, they have done objectively evil things since classic, but it was understandable. Get killed and brought back from the dead, you’re probably a little cranky at the dude responsible.

But ever since cata their story has been all over the place, with current Sylvanas just ruining her own chances of not being murdered by someone. Again.

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Valkyrie is much better than supercharger. Supercharger is completely ruined by a lack of mobility. Except for a few places where the enemy team absolutely cannot retreat (like second points of 2cps) they can completely foil the ult just by retreating to cover for a second. There are also a bunch of heroes, like Doomfist and Genji, that you basically can’t stop from destroying it.

At least Saurfang has stuff together. And now we have Zappy Boi.

There’s a theory it’s all the Old Gods’ doing, and Sylvanas knows, but they’re afraid of her because they have no power over the Forsaken.

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There are a couple of threads with this sentiment on the front page. I think it’s the wrong sentiment.

The people who resort to name calling are just being childish bullies. The one thing that a childish bully wants the most is a reaction of this form - “stop being so mean to me”.

It would be nice to completely ignore them, but that’s not really possible since they’re conducting a campaign to keep Mercy in the bad spot she’s in now.

So engage the people on the other side who are behaving like grown ups. Be civil. Be reasonable. Make good points. Be convincing. Let the childish elements hurt their own arguments.

I agree that her winrate is increasing because her pickrate is decreasing. But I view this as positive. Her winrate is increasing as her pickrate decreases because people are no longer playing her on maps and team configurations that favor other healers.

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Saurfang is amazing, and has been since he first became a meme in classic, and started to get some story in wrath.

I love him. He’s an orc’s orc. Zappy Boi was also pretty solid himself.

Possibly. I could see that making sense. I could also see this being Bwondsomdi’s doing, that he was the spirit that told vol’jin to make her warchief.

Which would make sense. Being the loa of death and all and voljin’s personal loa.

I wish they went a different path with Garrosh. He had the potential to go from arrogant hot head with daddy issues to honorable warrior that represents the savagery that orc’s bring. Instead he decided genocide, racism, and old god coolaid was the right path.

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Here’s the one I like.

  • Revert healing back to 60hps so she can be a main healer again.

  • Remove res entirely. Replace it with rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is a quick cast that heals a target for 200 hp over the course of 3 seconds. It has a 10 second cooldown.

  • Remove chain beams from Valkyrie. Heal beam now heals for 90 in Valkyrie, and damage beam also heals for 30.

  • Valkyrie gives an extra charge of rejuvenation, that goes away after the ult is completed.

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From a Reinhardt perspective.

Both are easy to dispatch.
Valkyrie is easier to play against for me because it is neither powerful nor hard to stop the effectiveness of.
Supercharger is often placed in terrible locations, but a good Orisa can get extreme value out of it when placed well.
Supercharger is a one size fits all, fire and forget ultimate.
Valkyrie on the other hand is less powerful (buff wise) and comes with the downside of removing one of two possible healing components.
Kill Orisa and Supercharger remains, kill Mercy and Valkyrie is over.

I cannot form a well balanced description of the difference in Ultimate’s and how they effect other heroes. I personally would rather play against any Mercy and Valkyrie, versus a decent to good Orisa and Supercharger.

Nope. I dislike this intensely. Compete for your heals like everyone else, and if the other healer takes the gold play better next time.

How on earth can you even begin to seriously say she is not a “main healer”…

I’m confused, this would remove the game breaking ability that is rez in favor of more healing on a HoT.

The numbers on that could be adjusted to be acceptable. I’m not sold it’s the best idea, but what is actually wrong with it?

I don’t like the idea of Mercy indisputably being the best healer, all the time. I like that a good player on another healer can beat her. I also don’t think e-rez is game breaking or really all that powerful, and all of that extra healing would make Mercy wildly overpowered as well as causing severe healing power creep.

When you start saying something a bit more helpful than “she’s not fun” “I want her fun” I will then start respecting Mercy players more. But until then, no. Honestly I could not care your healer who is the easiest in the game isn’t that fun for you. Just like you make these fourms unfun.

Her win rates are not increasing. I’ve seen this posted several times, and I’m not sure where it’s coming from. All heroe’s win rates fluctuate slightly from day to day. But aside from that level of noise, Mercy’s win rates have been remarkably stable for the past few weeks.

She’s still below the tier average in every tier. She’s still the lowest win rate healer plat-gm and the second lowest bronze-gold. She’s still competing daily for worst win rate hero period diamond - gm (and in any given day she’s worst in some of those tiers). In higher tiers she’s FAR below the tier average.

Playing her is still causing players to derank at every tier. Her competitors are still all significantly better than her. Despite the decrease in pick rate, there is no win rate increase trend counteracting this.

She’s not slightly behind. She’s definitely not in a good spot and needs addressing. I’ve already agreed with you in the past that this might need to take some time to fix it, but let’s not make matters worse by pretending the problem doesn’t exist.


lmao forum mods edit threads to comply with code of conduct for mercy apologists but ban anyone else/delete threads that don’t comply with code of conduct that’s hilarious

It looked like they were for a while. However, they do seem to be back down. Maybe it was just noise, as you say. Still, we can’t really get an accurate handle on her long term prospects without waiting more.

Yup. Double standard to say the least…

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@lazypeon oh wait you are on NA. We cant play wow ;-;

I don’t think this would make her the best healer all the time at all. Moira still has far higher potential heals (and they come in the form of aoe and burst which are better than what’s being offered here). Ana will still have more burst, as well as far more utility and damage. It’s also removing some of her heals in the form of chain beams.

The change makes her more heal focused, and less utility focused. That’s supposed to be the essence of the design of the character. I think we know from the case of Moira that high healing potential without much utility is not an overpowered strategy in the slightest.