Can we just raise Mercy's skill floor/ceiling?

You can’t, because Sym and Genji actually have control over games. What? :joy:

Their impact is tenfold that of Mercy’s.

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You can’t ay that for Mercy because she has control over games. What makes you say she has no control but they do?

Her kit being bad? Her kit being overly reliant on other people? Do you play Mercy or?


She’s a support. Do you want her to solo wipe the enemy team?

Are you being ignorant on purpose or something? Just because you’re a support doesn’t mean your kit should solely revolve around your teammates being decent at the game. Look at Zen, look at Lucio, look at literally any other support besides maybe Moira.

All have huge carry potential because their kits aren’t overly-reliant on their teammates.


Zen has no movement and is very easy to pick off he relies on his team to protect him, his healing is weak and he cannot make many big plays outside of his ult. Lucio’s only self defense is boom and his high mobility, both very counterable. All supports rely on teammates because their job is to SUPPORT. It’s clear to me that you are the ignorant one here as you result to petty insults when your argument is falling apart. I’m going to sleep now because it’s one in the morning and I have no desire to argue with someone who’s argument consists of nothing more than insults and sarcasm.

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Are you joking. I’ve seen Zen’s pop off and kill 3 people in a team fight. That’s besides the point anyway. The point is, is that his kit isn’t overly-reliant on his teammates. He can frag out. He can actually do something.

Lucio can frag back lines and do a tanks job creating space by literally existing and harassing people. That’s a form of carrying and not being overly-reliant on your teammates.

Let’s also not forget his huge carry potential on boop-heavy maps

Clearly not. Your knowledge of this game is quite low, and you seem pretty stuck on your view of it, so whatever. Concession accepted I guess.


The funny and in the same way sad thing for me about mercy is that for me she is harder to play than lucio or zennyata.

Seriosly, im not pro at any of those, but as mercy im i just useless, no matter what state she was.

Preach! :blush:

It seems like whatever Mercy mains make a stance about the hero, those particular folks are never satisfied with it.

I like Mercy, but I think she’s a little weak and can use a buff - “Ha! Boosted Mercy main! You guys just want your hero to be OP! Mercy is fine as is!”

I like Mercy, and I think she’s fine as is. - “Pfft of course you do, because she’s OP / a must pick. How about playing a hero that actually requires skill instead of looking to be carried? She’s unfun to play against, they need to nerf/rework her!”

I don’t like Mercy’s current state, she’s unfun to play with, and I think she needs a rework - “You and your movements need to move on! That will never happen! Mercy is fine! Pros say so! The most they’re gonna do is give her a tiny buff!”

Rinse and repeat.

Seriously, I’ve witnessed the same flip-flopping through any one of these whenever it suits the agenda. You just can’t seem to win with some of these guys.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


just look for mercy posts people put out their ideas all the time
i personally recommed The Dodo Mercy Rework v1

i mean take a look at any other rework

  1. torb rework he kept the turret and his old ultimate (sorta) and got a new ultimate
    2)sym 2.0 she kept the everything and something new got added to her in the same slot and lost a useless ability
  2. sym 3.0 she kept the teleporter and got a new ultimate
  3. d’va 2.0(?) she kept everything lost some defensive power and got a new ability
    running out of slots for abilities doesn’t seem to be the problem for blizzard!

that is true but there’s room for improvement
you can tell the difference between a good mercy player and a bad mercy player but can you tell the difference between a good mercy player and a great mercy player? probably no…

There’s more than enough room to raise her ceiling in Valkyrie. That crap is bloated.


Her base kit can be easy to pick up by anyone. But her E ability and ultimate should have a learning curve. Plain and simple.


Yes, and it’s all based on how they move, how much and who they damage boost, and which rezzes they decide to go after

Not to mention when they valk, and when and where they decide to use the gun. Mercy has a lot that she can do, and great Mercy’s get the timing right and the value out of all their actions.

there are three things to keep in mind here

  1. you don’t want a mercy change that explains why you haven’t “seen” any good ideas it’s because you haven’t been looking
  2. most of the people on the forums are not game designers you can not expect them to come up with an idea that will awe everyone
  3. devs have said that if something is wrong we should tell them and we should not tell them how to fix it!

that’s all true! but i want more and other mercy mains seem to want more! and i don’t mean i want more power for her i mean i want more opportunities to show what i can do!

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i’ll take any cc abilities tbh!

I understand the sentiment, but the character is just built to help the team. That’s Mercy’s role in the game, a super mobile, super versatile, near pure support hero. Pretty much like Medic in TF2

okay if you want something that really takes some skill look at this for her E replacement: