Can We Just Have Scatter Back?

When the Devs first announced the Hanzo reworked and hinted that Scatter Arrow was likely to be removed, my mind began to thing of the possibilities! Healing Arrow, Fire Arrow… oh what could it be! Hell, I even thought they would give him more than one new utility arrow to choose from. I was soooo excited becuase Hanzo used to be one of my favorite heroes. He was boom or bust. If you were busting… well then you were really busting it for you team lol. But if you were booming, man oh man, you felt like a god… you could carry a whole game!

Then the rework hit PTR, and I loved the leap thingy and the extra arrow speed. But when I first saw the new rapid fire arrow, my reaction was “meh” from the beginning. It felt to much like something that was already in the game… too much like fan of the hammer but better. It felt generic. But I had no idea he would become as OP as he did. Looking back, I wonder how I didnt see it. Rapid arrow took away part of what made him boom or bust… his inconsistency. It gave him and ability that he could just spam and melt things with. Sure they nerfed him some, but really I didnt touch him much. He lost some of his charm to me. This is why I just want scatter back. Too me, as a Reaper Main first and foremost, I would much rather face old hanzo vs new. I could much more easily kill him up close and bait scatter than I can with his rapid arrow. And even if they dont bring back scatter. At least get rid of rapid arrow. It is too generic. Give him something creative.

Anyway that is my two cents on a subject that is probably best left in the past… back when everyone hated scatter. Man it feels like a distant memory.


You’re not getting it back , and storm arrow is fine.


I mean, storm arrow isn’t fine but scatter felt worse to play against and generally made hanzo a low tier hero.


You just want scatter back because new hanzo is better and harder to deal with…nah storm arrows is staying

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Its gone, son. Its not coming back.

We Hanzo fans all warn you guys that Storm Arrow was too powerful back, and that you will all cry afterwards when it was first leaked and not even in the PTR yet. Other Hanzo players love the geometry gameplay of using scatter arrow and do not want it removed, but because of people’s feeling, it was removed.

All the warning about Storm Arrow kept getting ignore, saying it was an excuse, and with the new Storm Arrow, we can’t kill s***. That we will constantly miss since we can’t aim and that all our kills were all luck based.

As all the previous hanzo main will say, “no take backs”.


Hey, I love that pairing! Wait…

But on topic, I do wish people hadn’t tried so hard to remove Scatter. It was cheese, yeah, but it wasn’t Storm Arrow.

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Doubt it. Storm arrow is not fine. Especially for tanks. I really don’t see why hanzo needs some stupid high dps ability. He makes being a tank irrelevant

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Neither is fine. Both are broken in different ways.

He needed scatter removed, but they replaced it with something almost as bad and then buffed him further for some reason.

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Isnt that the ship name for Hanzo x Mercy?

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HELL NO. I’ve been one shot as Orisa. That crap needs to stay dead.

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Scatter was only annoying to squishes, but storm arrow is hell for tanks.
I’d take scatter back in a heartbeat.

no bc what im not the only one that hate get killed rondomly


Stormarrow just needs a mobility nerf.

Not just that. I enjoyed playing Hanzo more when he had Scatter versus Storm. Just personal preference I guess. But you’re probably right, it ain’t coming back. What’s dead should stay dead I guess.

I’d love scatter back.

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Absolutely not.

The dev team specifically said it was to make him easier to play for bad players.

I think Storm Arrow is somewhat fine. What I think is wrong about Hanzo is that they reworked Scatter PLUS also removed his weakness by adding Leap. It should have been one or the other, not both.

No, Storm arrow is much more balanced than scatter arrow.