Can We Just Have Scatter Back?


No chance. Scatter was both worse to use and to have used against you.

It’s easy to see Scatter Arrow as preferable to Storm Arrows. The past sometimes seems better than the present, especially when the present is so rough.

But trust me, Scatter Arrow was an unholy blight upon this game and everyone who played it. Like, it was the only thing in the game that could one-shot Zarya and Orisa. It was unfitting for a sniper, it barely had any counterplay, and it often just felt cheap, both for the Hanzo player and for his victim :tired_face:

I feel like Storm Arrows could eventually reach a point where the community would feel content with it.

Scatter Arrow, I think, would be very hard to balance the same way.

I will never wish for a rework again, if anything this taught me a life lesson to be happy with what I have

<people thinking hanzo will ever get scatter back, and mercys who think theyll ever get mass rez back

That’s what Blizzard aimed for with the rework, to remove the inconsistency.

It’s just unfortunate that they replaced it with consistent madness.

Blizzard seems to be on a roll with reworks though. Torb next.

Eventually they’ll just rework every single hero. lol.

Oh God please no…It was extremely annoying to play against, a lot of luck came out of it which was really frustrating. It was so strong to the point where he could one-shot Orisa. Isn’t that frustrating to play against?