Can we give Mercy some little buffs?

I just wish they would remove the automation of Valkyrie and required the Mercy to think again.


I personally find I have a great deal to think about and do while in Valkyrie mode

I agree. Valkyrie to me feels to be more of a spectator ultimate, to the point where when it’s used, my fellow team mates, and even the enemy team hardly notice it’s existence. This is something I’ve observed happen on multiple occasions… Save for maybe that random widow here or there, it’s clear to me that it’s not something I would find to be engaging rewarding or impactful in any way. They could certainly do better. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Personally, I find that good Mercy players have far to much they want to do - much more than they can accomplish in 15 seconds - to spend time spectating while in Valkyrie mode

A player can certainly use Valkyrie to spectate - and this aspect is part of what makes this ult arguably the very most versatile of ults in the game - but personally, I see spectating as one of the most suboptimal uses it can be put to