Can we get mass rez now?

We got pink Mercy back so let’s discuss another old thing people think won’t return


Honestly with all the CC in the game now, Mass Res returning as her ult seems reasonable.


I’m sorry what?
It paid off?
All the constant nagging paid off?

Bring back Overwatch.


What, all the cc that can’t interrupt mass rez?


With the amount of people who just ignore Mercy players… she has basically got mass rez anyways.

One of the better things for the game would be to remove rez. At a minimum move it to her ult. Bringing back a tank at full health is just too powerful for the push of a button.


We have very little hard CC in the game right now. Ana is the only non-tank hero that has a stun outside of her ult. We mostly have minor knockbacks. That’s why flankers and Doom are going crazy, not enough real CC.


Can we get mass rez now?

Guys, please, don’t push it or they might remove the Pink Mercy skin before it gets re-released, haha ! Be content with what you’re already getting :p…

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Why do people want mass rez? I get it’s brokenly powerful, but it was boring to use, imo :confused:


Just give it the cast time it currently has. Easy.

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at least 10 characters.

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I feel like that’d be a “bandaid fix” for Mercy’s low healing and how fast tanks still die sometimes. I’d rather keep the solo rez and bring back her old superjump movement instead.

…and maybe add a small burst heal to her kit please Blizzard-

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It would help reverse stomps which is good and needed for a long time.

But man that enable suzu even more as a hardlock meta turn around play.

Kiriko can just be a Mercy bodyguard to reverse a lost fight.

With the state of the game doesn’t matter. Bring back fun instead of trying to be serious competitive game. Comp sucks and no one takes it seriously anyway

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I found hitting those coveted 5-man rezzes of OW1 to be thrilling and hard to get. Teammates like to die too slowly and spread out all over the place, and I’m getting hunted down. But when the stars align, you have to zoom out into danger and…

BOOM! Heroes never die!

Mass Rez is easily as satisfying as getting off a team-wiping D.Va bomb!


Mass Rez + 6v6! LET’S GO!!!


You completely missed the point.

I never managed to get everyone. I think my max number was 3 XD
But i got play of the game with it since i also ga’d up right after it and shot a widow dead.
Back when we couldn’t save the highlights…

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No… I don’t even know how Blizzard allowed to have such ability ingame in the first place xD

But hey, Pink Mercy is actually returning. That’s always good news :dancing_women:

If it has a cast time that can be interrupted like a bunch of other ultimates, no I didn’t. (:

I just want it not to be a normal ability. Sorry mercy mains I love everything else about your hero but I hate rez hehe :sweat_smile: