Can we get an ExC created by nominated forum posters?

No, I don’t like those forum spammer ideas either. They always flip flop and theory craft more than they play the game. I want the devs to make a decision as to what they want their game to be and make it so. The problem the pexc had was they were completely unprepared and didn’t create much discussion, acting like an awkward classroom with students not wanting to raise their hand. If they wanted to take that serious, they need actual interested individuals and better preparation or stop being so freaking ambiguous about what is coming to the live game or not (actually communicate clearly) so that the forums don’t rage. It was obviously people will rank blame for balance changes.

Regardless, I don’t think people on this forum give much great ideas because their direction is based on biased concepts of what a role “should be” rather than what it is or just addressing balance. Some people literally just insisting on reverting characters or keep claiming on contradictory things like: “I hate shooting shields, shield metas suck - but also buff everyone’s shield because it’s paper thin”, or “x character is meta, please nerf - but also buff them because they’re weak”. No one is consistent here, they just want to make their favorite character OP or carry games or nerf something they don’t like rather than considering the big picture. So, no thanks, I want blizzard to do what they’re getting money for and do it well.

Yeah the problem is density and %.
If you look at ALL the forum posters, you are likely to find at least 5 individuals that are really good at balancing … the problem comes when you are also going to find 5000 that are definitely not.

I am glad to say that like 80% or more of my ideas and suggestions got implemented. Since many of them were on different posts, I have 1 that I created myself around 2019 Aug that was literally like the template for the “Priority Pass” that exists today:

They made it more forgiving to give tickets per losing too but yep … that happened :man_shrugging:

Your profile is private and I honestly don’t remember you much at all, so I can’t say if your opinions are even valid much less confirm any part of your statement

No, I like his thought processes and he is incredibly smart but he would destroy the support role in the blink of an eye. He would slaughter brig and baptiste without mercy.

I nominate

Robot wizard


You dont have to, I didnt reply to you for you to confirm anything I said.
My thread still exist though, it is unlisted but the link pretty much confirms what I said about Priority passes.

My response to you is basically only the first paragraph.

Nominate me to balance D.Va :roll_eyes: :raised_hand: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I thought it was for everyone and all heroes. If it was hero specific sure and then that list gets a lot longer.

I think a forum-poster-originating ExC would be at least as much of a meme as the pro one was. And I say this having a handful of commenters in mind whose takes I generally like and agree with.

And I do not trust for a second that the panel discussion would be even a tiny bit productive, if any variations in viewpoints were brought in at all.

I don’t have any problem with people voicing their opinions on the forums, or floating ideas here, but I also have been around long enough to feel some certainty that the forums as a whole are not very consistent or reliable when it comes to understanding game balance (for OW or any other game).

If you give the forums this kinda power, we’ll get stuff like Mercy causing all Genjis, Tracers, and Doomfists instantly being deleted any time they come within 60m of a Mercy.

I’m kidding.
It’d be 100m.

to be fair… I have said, you shouldn’t trust me.

People are replying to this as if any changes they put up would go to live. This would be for fun to see if they could come up with anything better than the pros did. So many people say they know better than the pros so let them put their ideas out there in an ExC and get destroyed on the forums if the ideas are bad. I’m sure some ideas at least would be good.


The people I’d definitely nominate would be Ryan and Backsword. They have the most solid takes by a considerable margin. Then probably Titanium and RobotWizard (30k). Either way I’m sure it wouldn’t be any more meme worthy than what the pros came up with. That would take some beating.

I promise to Buff Junkrat to S tier be completely objective :innocent:

Honestly if i were to be nominated or at least have some input, i would specialize in my main and just ask for one small simple thing.

They. Don’t. Care.

Play another game if you want developers who are open to player feedback…

Id say that they shuld pick REAL pros. People who plays all roles or can play all the characters on a role in a very good lvl.

That would be outrageous!

Now, if you nominate me I have an interesting concept idea for Road Hog…


Oooo, nominate me.


Starts to die from hypothermia when using Iceblock, DoT lingers for 18h after it ends. Standing in Torbjorn’s Molten Core removes hypothermia.


1 turrent, 40s CD, 10 DPS
Ultimate now teleports her back to spawn so she can quickly change, cost reduced by 95%.


Now transforms into Galvatron’s fusion cannon. Health reduced to 50 when in fusion cannon form because he transformed into a crappy Hasbro toy.

And more where that came from, so if I missed your fav hero don’t worry.