Can we get an ExC created by nominated forum posters?

except you could even provide a while mathematical proof backing suggestions + a complete analysis report on comparing proposed changes with existing benchmarks in the balance history of the game to show the proposed being unlikely OP or oppressive and they’d VERY likely still end up going “no I still feel it’s too OP for the hero, reign it back (a lot)” and without researching or reading up on anything on the hero no reading much on the arguments for the proposal.

HAH no,

I trust the people in this forum less than the streamers they picked for that troll stream.

Got people legitimately suggesting sym should be turned into a healer and mei into a tank, I mean, jesus christ.

:arrow_up: I nominate this guy. :arrow_up:

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Forum users are too dangerous to have that kind of power. Even myself…


Alright, sign me up.

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I mean, if it wound up being a meme patch it’d actually be funny.

If it wound up being a serious patch, then it’d be better than giving ball 3 nerfs :clown_face:


If the +3 meter beam proposal is meeting so much negative feedback here, I wonder what other things will make them screech.

As much as I generally don’t agree with GreyFalcon and some others, I don’t see why not. It’d be a fun experimental to let us try out their ideas.

Sadly, Blizzard barely even looks at these forums anymore so I don’t see it happening.


It’d invariably become a popularity contest. Pass.

Vonnegut says people express agreement and disagreement with one another as badges of friendship or enmity. The desire to be accepted and liked by someone prominent drives human interaction to an embarrassing degree.

Please no, they will do something ridiculous like give Brig 50 more HP

People do know the pros weren’t trying right?

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I mean… I guess it depends on who you pick…?
I think some forum users like you would be good for example.

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Idk I think I would pleasantly surprise some people on here with how fair I’d try to be but I doubt they’d vote for me xD

One person I’d love to see balance the game from here is Drowskab/Bakkusodo


The only ExC they need is new ladder (reset, new matchmaking, no rigging, forced mains vs. mains).

Then you can properly extract rank-based data…and worry about what heroes are over/under. Balance discussions really don’t matter when there isn’t a ground truth for all players.

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I should definitely be on this team. I have absolutely no ulterior motives of buffing Hammond. :hamster:

I think they pretty much proven forums dont have much clue about balance.

I am inclining on the meme part…

Actually, no, it wouldn’t even reached anywhere considering how polarized the forum is.

it wouldn’t be so bad, I mean, it’s better to have an Exc, out of the box than more of the same, it’s clear that OW needs a shake

The pros were making dumb changes for fun. The casters also had a huge say in what was gonna be implemented and what wasn’t. Plus the fact that they didn’t even have enough pros which specialize in enough roles…

that wasn’t enough to conclude that Pros can’t balance. It wasn’t put together correctly.

And the majority of the player base don’t even know that the forums exist. So when they see people like GreyFalcon, instead of thinking “Reasonable person who has gathered feedback on many given suggestions and has a cool idea and new way to balance the game”, they think “a nolife who may as well edit wikipedia articles and probably laughs at minion memes”. But they will be nominated… I just can’t see them doing it. None of us really have any credibility that we actually know anything about balance. Chances are whoever gets voted will be someone who has the most common biases.

The ones I would want are DatDoDoDoe. Omni. Yourself. Pharah. Toast. I can’t think of any others as of now.


Bakkosuddo or whatever he has a red play icon.


Because there are furries in here

Here i made a summary