Can we get a real genji counter?

That’s like saying “Reaper counter’s Pharah because he two shots her when she dares to come close”…


And good genjis solved this by attacking from further away abusing the short lock on range of symmetra 2.0’s beam in their favor, she was only his counter if he was dumb enough to get close :confused:


Funny coming from a Mercy player, someone who Genji counters.

You are the one telling the joke.


I mean she had the tools to blocks shuriken from a range with her barrier. Also dodging them from afar is quite easy. But whatever he definitely lost one of his biggest nemesis with the 3.0 rework.

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I haven’t played mercy since they nerfed her to oblivion in that stupid rework

Yeah dude it’s so overloaded that the only thing keeping him playable is Ana’s nanoboost.

That sub1% pickrate in OWL, which is where the best Genji players in the world play really is indicative of him being able to deal with ‘basically any situation when played properly’.

Those OWL Genji players just can’t play him properly and that’s why he’s literally in F Tier right now.

The fact Genji has never been powerful enough to stand at the top of the podium and be a Top 2 and/or meta defining DPS in any meta and has never been bad enough to be completely unplayable (Outside of currently in GOATS) indicates that he’s always been balanced and if anything is underpowered right now, certainly not overpowered.


Because widow was so overpowered that having their widow dead was less valuable than having a widow of your own

I, for one, am sick of Genji being so stupid overpowered it’s insane. He easily outplays anything and does so much bloody damage with all his ridiculous animation cancels and other nonsense. You can’t shoot at him, he’ll send it right back at you. Wait out deflect? He’ll immediately throw shurikens followed instantly by a dash, suddenly you’ve gone from full health down to a tiny amount. “Oh, but he used all his cooldowns!” No he didn’t, because SURPRISE! HE GETS ANOTHER DASH FOR FREE!

I’m so tired of this stupid broken POS hero. I can’t believe he’s not getting any changes in this patch. It’s insulting.


Both Genji and Tracer need this, too bad that one support who almost dealt with them was repeatedly nerfed.



20 characters

“Nerfed her into oblivion”

So you’re one of the #ReworkMercy people.

That explains a lot.

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The name of your account is “Genji”

This is what explains a lot

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Many people will beg to differ and already know I am not biased.


The devs have stated on multiple occasions that they don’t find Genji to be a balance problem.


You are human therefore you are biased. Claiming otherwise is to deny your own humanity.

In my experience the ones claiming to “not be biased” are the most biased ones.

It explains nothing. My name doesn’t make me a cartoon bartender does it?


Yes she did however just like Genji’s its protection is limited and once it moves past him its gone for a while

It depends on how afar your talking about 10-20 meters it harder to dodge them and thats where a smart genji would attack from a good distance away from symmetras 7 meter lock on but close enough for shurikens to quickly hit

Yeah she definitely became worse at destroying genjis the come to close but she gained a lot from the 3.0 rework too

Because she was blatantly overpowered, I’m not about to say she’s in a good place right now, after goats goes away she will definitely need buffs and changes, but she needed those nerfs to help get rid of goats, just like lucio needs this speed boost nerf

Please dont bring whether or not someone is pro rework mercy or even mains mercy into this Genji, your better than this and shouldn’t be judging people based on other things they believe

I don’t have a bias against any hero in the game, that’s for sure.

Otherwise I’d be one of the #Deletebrig people if I were a biased Genji main, but I don’t even dislike Brigitte.

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Congrats for them. They are wrong. We are the consumers. Our opinion is what matters

It shows you are a fan of a particular show or a particular character in a show