Can we get a Mercy sub-forum please?

Because Mercy has the most religious and whiney fanbase in the entire community.

Which is fair, but you know the reeing will bust out of their area on the forum and they will get upset about being pushed elsewhere. In the interest of fairness I think they should be allowed to stay on the open road with everyone else, but it’s not exactly working out, how do we achieve peace without angering the natives of the forums?
(to be fair yet again, i think they are already angry so maybe my point there is ACTUALLY a non issue)

Actually it’s just mob mentality reaching a critical mass that it became perpetual. We all do it, but with one topic it just snowballed to a size where it never stopped. I make threads on loot boxes or whatever other idea I see a lot of threads on but disagree with occasionally. I’m sure you do the same for a topic that strikes a nerve (good or bad) with you sometimes. Whatever idea we come up with as how to control/organize these ideas whenever they come up, this thread will apply to. Mercy is the only topic I’ve seen that I think qualifies, and we need a solution to stop the forums from getting any worse, so that we might have healthy, organized discussion on a variety of Overwatch topics in the future.

If I were to envision a new forum layout, there would still be competitive and general discussion as we know it now, and PTR feedback, but in each category a post gets listed under one of 30+ subcategories with one for every hero + extra non hero specific categories like maps and other feedback (blizzard would decide which to add as what they see is important), with tickable boxes (you can tick all boxes, and exclude some) to make a clean one, where the forum stays much the same visually, but you only see relevant information to what you wanted to see and can ignore certain portion categories you might find unsavory due to whatever reason, when posting there would be a dropdown on the post box to pick it’s category you wish to post it in.

This would surely help with the infighting on the forums I think, and would help with flooding from certain areas, while not making them the odd one out or muted from view as you expressed the potential issues with such a feature.
In small terms, same effect as what i hoped to achieve, but lots of subcategories that can all be viewed just as you do now having 25 boxes all ticked to pop up on the page as it does when viewing the page that directs you to new posts.

this way people can decide on their experience, the mercy posts which I am mostly sure 80% of frequent forum users from outside of the mercy bubble would probably untick their category, but without it being a direct stab at the you are being too loud box.

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We discussed something further up the thread like this and the guy who proposed it and myself agreed it would be better than my proposal, but from our understanding is simply not a feature of Discourse. Discourse is the forum system Blizzard currently uses, and they do not control what features are available, but can choose what features to use from the available features. I don’t think there is a way to sort by subject other than searching in Discourse, so while a great suggestion, this would require Blizzard to switch forum systems which is costly, time consuming, and incredibly unlikely.

Ideally Blizzard would have created their own system when they switched to the new forums, but they certainly didn’t want to hire a team to code and maintain that. They’re not the most customer-centric company as you can see by how inactive they are on the forums and how their customer service responds to tickets, so this would be much more likely from other companies, but not Blizzard. The fact that these forums were just recently rolled out I think makes it even less likely.

If someone more familiar with Discourse thinks it’s possible, please let us know as I know nothing about its features and am going off of what other posters have said.

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Hmm :s Well, I didn’t know any of that until just now >.< But if the forums mean anything to them in the long run for this game, it would be a best course of action.
Coz uh, this forum is more than a wee bit overrun and is struggling to serve its purpose and for a game kicking back at toxic elements, the forum is pretty bad.

sucks to know that they probably won’t do it though.

Which, imo, she was. Other supports needed buffs.

It was a joke lol my b

What kind of fine support needs more nerfs?

That doesn’t excuse how OP Mercy was.

I’m confused. Are you sayig she’s OP? or are you saying she’s underperforming?

I’m genuinely confused here.

I’m sorry, was she not OP before this nerf?

there is one. It’s being mass flagged, which stops anyone from posting there all the time.

It’s not still being mass flagged. It’s a glitch.

Take everything Blizz says with a grain of salt, they said if the the rework didn’t work out they would revert it and think of something else, they didn’t do that. They also said Mercy was fine but then more nerfs and our feedback matters which they don’t listen to.

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Tons of people unsatisfied with the state of Mercy and frustrated with the devs seemingly ignoring all feedback.

“They’re just a cult.”

Ya, ok bud. Sounds like a leftist “you’re racist” card. Their points and concerns are not invalidated just because you say that you toad.

Just because the general consensus is that she’s balanced, does not mean she’s in a good state right now. I’ve personally barely touched her since they’ve butchered her, even when she was OP. Her being OP or balanced does not make her fun or satisfying to play. It’s a shame, she used to be my most played. I genuinely feel for the players that still want to hold out hope for her. Changes that simply won’t be coming because blizzard does not give a damn.


Amen, on top of that I don’t understand why they have to take it out on the other forum users. You can’t have a discussion anymore about anyone but Mercy because any other thread gets drowned in the bazillion Mercy threads every day.

Funny you say this because literally any opinion other than Revert is needed/Bring back Mass Rez is actually immediately hunted down, called oppressive against Mercies, trolling, spamming etc. :rofl:

Stop acting like you know psychology.

A group of people whom play a character in a video game with differing opinions, ideas, and likes is not in anyway a cult.

The fact that armchair psychologists has spread this stupid label around is nothing short of infuriating and misrepresentation. Do some actual research before you toss around the word ‘‘cult’’.


They are false flagging it.

The dev-created thread is not being closed every 24 hrs because of continued flags.

They meant if the rework was too weak they would revert it.

If you’re going to sit here and take Jeff’s word to heart about how he says we’re not going to revert, then you can’t expect to not take his word when he said that.

Also, there’s this thing that Mercy’s have been doing. They’ve largely been taking everything Jeff says literally. Like, down to minute details.

He didn’t say they wouldn’t bring mass rez back but he did say they wouldn’t revert. Does that mean Mass rez might come back? Absolutely not. To bring mass rez back would be to revert.

Lol. You said the word “different” in there. I agree. Different opinions is not a cult. but the Mercy’s on the forums here are, infact, throwing the same opinion over and over. Not different opinions.


I did. If you look up behaviors of cults, almost every box is checked with this Mercy group. They’re suppressing ideas of people against the group. They’re shouting the same ideas over and over to suppress or minimize the impact of those with different ideas. They’re shunning or acting with hostility towards those trying to have a simple conversation (not just me but even others like GrayFalcon are being targeted). It might not be a bonified cult, but they’re sure acting like one.

Sorry if I’m wrong but didn’t someone already disprove the points you listed that make a cult a cult? You didn’t even respond back. :smirk: