I’ve muted at least 15 new Mercy threads today, on top of the 5+ I mute every other day which I never see again. Clearly there’s enough demand for a Mercy Discussion forum. They can have all the threads they want with the same tired, debunked arguments, and we can never see them again. It’s win-win.
Let’s try to keep this on topic. You have 3,934 other threads to talk about the state of Mercy in. I’m talking about the sheer number of threads on her and how it is probably more than any forum other than General Discussion.
Someone did. I haven’t seen it on the front page in a while. Megathreads don’t work, because you’re trying to fit thousands of ideas into a conversation that can only efficiently discuss one at a time.
So it’s not being bumped, so probably not a lot of people know about it. A mercy balance thread is very much specific enough. Otherwise the lgbt thread wouldn’t have worked because that’s an equally broad topic forced to consolidate
I agree that there is more Mercy topics than necessary, but i have better idea: devs could respond and maybe do something about concerns Mercy mains have.
Here’s a crazy and wild idea, how about Blizzard Responds, says shes fine? lol Or say shes getting a buff or getting another nerf! A response at this point would be the only way to stop these THREADS!
How do either of these have to do with my suggestion? How does organizing Mercy threads in their own forum affect Blizzard’s ability to respond?
I’m proposing something that would allow people who love to see Mercy threads and talk about Mercy to more easily see those threads and at the same time more easily allow Blizzard to see what the most common feedback about Mercy is. Other people who don’t read Mercy threads get the benefit of more easily seeing the content they care about. All benefits with no drawbacks.
Im agreeing with you 100%, these threads need to stop, if Mercy needs another change, we’ll know about it in the PTR patches. Right now there’s nothing Mercy mains nor I can do. Ill be happy to start perfecting my time with Winston and other characters.
Now that’s not fair is it. Shoving only one character in there own thread to be ignored and die. While everyone else gets to post free on the forums as they please with no cell to be in. Locking up the Mercy posts is a bad move, and call. Mabye if everyone else got their own threads i would be ok with it. I am getting sick of seeing OWL on the threads when i don’t care out it, but sadly i have to deal with it like you deal with the Mercy threads…how sad, but at least we are mature adults who can understand each other.