Or maybe the devs should take note of the multiple Mercy topics and realise there’s a problem instead of trying to shove the problem under the rug. If they make sub forums, it would have to be for every hero, not just one.
There are at least 10 times as many Mercy threads as OWL threads. I have over 100 muted and I still constantly see enough NEW Mercy threads to dwarf OWL threads in numbers. Mercy threads are the only subject that has the volume to have its own forum.
I’m actually for having a separate OWL forum though as well, even though the volume alone doesn’t warrant it. It would be a great way to avoid spoilers on the other forums.
No other hero has even 20% the number of threads that Mercy has, so that doesn’t make any sense. The devs had said they are aware people aren’t happy with Mercy’s state, but they don’t see it as an issue. Spamming other topics off the forum won’t change that. I’m offering something that will benefit everyone. The devs can ignore your threads no matter where they are, but it makes it a pain for regular forum visitors to use the forums and discuss other topics when there’s so much Mercy spam.
They wont listen to you. Just leave if its such an issue.
Debunked arguments pfft.
Make sure there is a sub forum for EVERY hero. I don’t like nerf Brigitte threads popping up all the time either.
I made another thread proposing a solution to both: Mute thread by keyword. I choose the option for any threads with the word “Mercy” in the title and it applies to all prior and all future threads. You do the same with the word “Brigitte.” No one seemed to like that idea so I’m proposing another idea.
And you calling people “hunny” and saying “lmfao” after every single sentence isn’t passive aggressive? Your hypocrisy and nitpicking is honestly astounding to me.
To be honest the Mercy megathread still didn’t stop people from making their own posts outside the megathread.
I’ve literally seen people post a large monologue about Mercy in one of those threads and since no one responded to it, they made it into it’s own unique thread. For… whatever reason. The feeling that they need to be heard.
It’s how I express myself . These guys just want to segregate a group of people. Also, I apologise if me saying hunny came of as me being aggresive. Didn’t think that much of it…
Every hero should have there own forum thread. Where talk about the hero can take place. So in this scenario if the hot topic for the month is Mercy the developer team would know to look into the thread deeper and see whats up. Once Mercy is fixed and people are satisfied with her state the topic of her will die down and they move onto the next one each developer can take on one of three most talked about heroes.
Then forumers who aren’t interested in an Ana thread don’t have to go into it.
The problem is that on one hand is that I want some posts to be seen and not just an endless mega-loop, but everyone should have their opinions heard.
It’s absolutely insane that Diablo 3 is dead but still has dedicated class forums but a game with allegedly 30++ million “players” can’t have such things.
Diablo 3 isn’t even dead
Nah, they just want to organize their thoughts.
Something to consider is if there was a Mercy subforum you’d probably be less likely to have people come in and trash all y’all and derail your threads. Sounds like a win/win to me!
It would be like an upgrade from a Mercy megathread, and forum mods wouldn’t even have to waste time dumping other threads into it. Wow, more winning from where I stand.
To add to this, I think a subforum for all heroes is something this forum needs too. Not just to complain about the state of X, or nerf X, but for communities to give advice and talk about their heroes in an environment consisting of like-minded individuals. General Discussion is anything but that.
How do you mute threads??
Go to the paw icon on the right or at the bottom (it says Tracking) and switch it to muted. The icon with the eye and a slash through it.
Players should have the option to pin posts to the top of the thread in order for it to be seen by the developer team which they have come to census on what would be right for the character.
Oh gosh it would have to be a vote system tho.
Ah, sweet. Thank you.
Obviously or the more pins the post gets the higher up it goes. If you know what I mean.
It would turn us into hive minds… There would be no point of a discussion because everyone would literally be agreeing with us and it will end up like the megathread situation where people just post outside of it.
That’s the thing though, most of us want people to criticise our ideas. It’s how debates work. If we just had people always agreeing with, the sub forum would be as dry as the Saihara dessert.
It doesn’t stop some people from posting outside of the sub forum.