Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

Widowmaker x Gerard
Torbjorn x Ingrid
Tracer x Emily
Genji x Numerous Random People
Ana x Sam(?)

These are the confirmed partners.

Genji being a playboy is part of what got him attacked by Hanzo. It is unknown if he’s bisexual or straight. Or if he’s got any romantic interests in anyone at present. Only that he was a playboy in the past, which was either the wrong word to use or an indication that at least some of the partners were women. Playboy is a synonym for womanizer.

Widowmaker killed Gerard, her husband, after being brainwashed by Talon. She visits his grave on Christmas, so she probably still does feel love for him.

Tracer and Emily are dating and live together.

Torbjorn and Ingrid are happily married, have a ton of kids and grandkids. The most significant of these children from our perspective thus far is Brigitte.

Ana and Pharah’s dad. We don’t know much about him, other than he’s Pharah’s dad and an Indigenous person.

I’ve never heard him say this before

Yeah. Bring us a gay hero
And an homophobic hero
And a male chauvinist.
Or maybe a feminist black woman.

Why don’t we have this in our game Blizzard?



There are a lot of heroes, who’s sexuality isn’t reveiled yet.
Mccree, Hanzo, Lucio, Junkrat, Roadhog, Soldier, heck even Reyes (Reaper) could be gay.
Rein and Genji seem to be straight. Torb has a wife. Doomfist is in a relationship with his fist.

LGBT community already have their representation: Tracer.

Now we need other minorities representation, we need things like a furry hero, maybe a brony hero (Reaper doesn’t count :grin:)… /s.


They get at least one more because Blizzard promised for like the past 3 years.

Eh. I have nothing against heroes being gay but what does it matter about their sexuality? Nobody really considers that when they are playing the hero.

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We already have Genji. He had a shot with Ziegler and turned it down, has to be gay.


It’s honestly all Blizzard’s fault. I feel like they would have been happy with just Tracer if Blizzard hadn’t been like “Guys, we totallly have another gay hero reveal soonish. But enough about that, buy my merch! 40 dollar Sombra skin y’all!”

At like every Blizzcon.


female homosexual heroes introduced: awesome lgbt representation!

diverse nationalities introduced: awesome cultural representations!

homosexual males suggested: so like, what do you want? some flouncy obvious gay guy? how bout like the character for their playstyle? sorry but i dont see why the game needs that! what does their sexuality matter? stop trying to force things! you obviously want a character defines by their sexuality! theres a hero in the game right now thats in the closet what more could you want!


Shh, sorry to tell you, your ‘homosexual male hero’ is Hammond, but the lore team didn’t want to spoil the surprise for you until later, in some random comic…I mean, he has complete hots for Winston, s’why he hitched a ride on his rocket…

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you know that homosexuality isnt just a sex thing, right?
people who are asking for homosexual representation arent looking for stimulation, they’re looking for that type of romantic relationship to be recognized, normalized and accepted.


He doesn’t say anything like that.


I’m homosexual myself I think I know such things.
Read the OP’s message again and you’ll see why I did this.

He can imagine lucio winking all he wants, searching for it himself might be better.

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I can see how that could’ve been misconstrued, that part really makes sense. But if you’re gonna let that one line make you ignore the rest of it, I don’t know what to tell you, honestly.

If you’re only gonna take my one line on rule 34 and ignore the rest of my post, I don’t know what to tell you, honestly.


I’d LOVE Lucio to be confirmed for Bi, specifically. His Roxo skin is the same colors as the bi flag B)

tbh though I’ll take any of the male cast. We could use decent male LGBT representation.


I don’t think he says that at all.

Torb could be bi or pan! Just because he’s married to a woman doesn’t mean he’s necessarily straight


It’s not that there’s a lack of gay characters in things. It’s that the things they are in make no difference whether or not they are gay, so why bother saying it.