Can we get a dev to talk about support?

Likely they trying rework some dps heroes into Tank and Support roles now.

For we know about Doomfist being reworked into a Tank and we never heard back on Sym as a Support.

Maybe we should request that last one.

We’ll have more to say about supports in the future.

A humble request of the forum community: all of the changes we’re discussing right now in various threads around the forum are in testing, meaning that they’re not final, and they’re almost certain to change before we go into beta (let alone launch). These conversations are, to some degree, an exercise in transparency and folks keeping an open (yet critical) mindset helps us keeps you better informed about the development process of OW2.

It’s completely understandable that you may be anxious when hearing about what we’re testing from folks like the OWL pros. You don’t have the full context and your only frame of reference is the current retail environment. I get it.

As a fan, I can tell you OW2 still fundamentally feels like Overwatch. Overwatch 2 is still (all together now) all about the Heroes, and the bright, inclusive, and optimistic future of the world we’ve built together.

I’m looking forward to the day you can all experience this for yourselves.


Pay attention to this line please before whining about someone criticizing the current OW2 build. It means we care.

Thank you AndyB.


something that shouldnt have to be said…but…welcome to the forums Andy :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah the amount of people behaving as if these changes are final… it just hurts my brain.


It ain’t even beta yet

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I hope u’re (Mr AndyB) taking notes from our feedback in the Forums about OW2 .
And it is reaching our OW Team .
I really hope so .
Have a nice day .

ok … but if it’s not too much to ask, what were the most useful notes to the perplexities of pro players about support?

For example for the status of Mercy. or if for Brigitte it is really the case to act on the bash rather than on the multitasking of the passive (inspire). personally I don’t understand why Brigitte’s passive is not given some rhythm. it is extremely automatic in too little actions for too many effects. :thinking:


I don’t think they’ve begun testing anything for Sym. They haven’t mentioned her at all yet. Let’s keep manifesting Sym Support :sparkles: :heart:


its not yet done so in the end it can feel not like overwatch then.

Game is about gameplay first, yet that is not on the list… so that means nothing about overwatch feeling like overwatch. :man_shrugging:


Thank you for the response Andy. I too hope the forums can relax a bit knowing that OW2 is still very much a work in progress. Nothing seen is guaranteed or final, until it is. There’s a few too many here thinking that the things we’re hearing/seeing are guaranteed or finalized when they’re not. We need to wait and see what happens :slight_smile:


It’s hard to trust this when the people who play tested mention other games it feels like rather than OW, and the little bit we saw not feeling like Overwatch.

I am not saying you’re wrong about that, but it’s hard to tell such a thing with what little information we have. Are you guys being careful about stuff like TTK?

As someone who loves Overwatch and hates Call of Duty, it concerns me when a player who has gotten their hands on it says any part of it feels like that game.

I can’t speak for everyone but I play Overwatch for teamwork, for the extra strategy that the slightly lower ttk adds to the game, for hero picks mattering and always feeling like I have options to deal with enemy plans, etc. The inclusivity and brightness of the heroes doesn’t matter to me when it comes to gameplay, only to lore.

The game could certainly be faster, some of the overly sustained comps are a drag and I’m glad something is being done about it. I just hope it doesn’t go too far in the other direction and become a trinity game in name only. I want all the roles to feel impactful and I want team strategy to still be worth doing even outside of league.


People don’t criticize the ones who do it right.
The most crucial aspect of the discussion that people completely ignore is this

Most people I have seen fail to acknowledge this and most people don’t provide their criticism is a constructive way. It’s mostly knee jerk reactions with doom and gloom written all over it.

It’s gotten to the point where people are so sour that they’ll get their pitchforks out for anyone who has a shred of positivity left on this forum.

Also this part is important, we don’t have the full context but when people leave out the context we have it’s not longer a healthy discussion.

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If you are referencing what I think you are, you are misquoting him to a degree that feels a tad dishonest. When saying that the closer spawns make the fights last longer and feel like CoD fights that does not mean the game does not play like OW. That is you extrapolating words not said onto what he said.

I actually feel really bad for him. He was trying to give a game that you could compare the long fights to and he did not realize he picked the most controversial game in the world that he could have picked and when you say CoD no one is going to honestly listen to anything you said before or after that.

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Testing her as a support was on their list of experiments to do back in May.

I would expect something about her before the end of fall or early winter if it’s successful.

Thats just not true?

Its rather that you seem to not allow any form of criticism.

Just recently somebody postet “I am hyped for OW2” and nobody here insulted them for their opinion.


Mate, I literally had someone dive into my recent posts and flame me for my only “negative” post being about hoping for different map designs.

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Well maybe it’s a you problem? :thinking:


That’s not what they said when I saw it. Two pros likened the Push game mode to Call of Duty. One said kinda like KOTH but the other said more like death match.

Separately I also saw one of them saying that dps impact was extremely high, much higher than tanks and supports. Which is also more akin to games like that then this one.


Just let them live in their own world. They never add anything to a discussion, just derail and rehash it with the same platitudes over and over again.

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