There was indeed some amount of discussion there, but there were three major problems.
The first is that the solutions they propose don’t seem to make much sense. They’re too ham fisted to actually work in the game. If fights are overly long in their current patch, nerfing all healing indiscriminately isn’t a reasonable way to solve the problem as it has far reaching consequences that go well beyond fight length and trickle down to almost every match up in the game. Honestly, I’m skeptical that the fights in OW2 were actually lasting that long. In OW1 4v4 modes and 5v5 fights where both teams have traded aren’t all that long, and in the previous show match we didn’t see overly long fights. I can understand that without an off tank, and with Moira/Bap/Ana on both teams, things could drag on, but I don’t understand the path from there to nerfing Zen’s healing.
The second is that they put a patch in the OWL finals in which supports were clearly too ineffective and the game was a chaotic brawl. They chose that patch for public viewing. It’s indicative of the direction in which they want the game to go.
The third is that without any positive news about the support role, without anything new to get excited about in that role, all we’re left with are the negatives, and it’s disheartening.
I love Overwatch. I’ve played it for thousands and thousands of hours. The idea that I may not love (much less not even like) Overwatch 2 was inconceivable to me a few months back, but I’m afraid that this is where we’re heading.
I love playing support. Mercy is my favorite in that role. When I watched the fame, none of the supports were doing all that well, and Mercy was one of the worst. What I saw was - a healing nerf to 50 hps (a number she’s never worked with), on top of that - a global healing nerf of 25% putting her near Zenyatta levels of healing, on top of that - faster moving dps in maps built to enable faster moving dps to create a state of constant small skirmishing, on top of that - a passive that Mercy doesn’t even benefit from, on top of that - an admission from the pros that the game felt more like a Deathmatch, that supports felt bad to play, and that Mercy was trash.
This was hardly heartening news, and there’s nothing to soften the blow. No new support heroes teased, no new support abilities teased, no reimagining of what the support role is. We were essentially told that it would be more of the same, but weaker. It’s just difficult to feel optimistic or excited.
An update with either something exciting or an acknowledgement that the role is currently not playing how it should be, but that they are working on it, would be much appreciated.