Can we get a Black Woman Hero?

no one is against it but if you want the game to be more inclusive
like the op said then theirs a lot more races and ethnicitys you should add first

Yes we can get a black female hero. We can also get a mixed race hero. we can get a cat with a jetpack. We can get robots who claim neither gender nor regional origin!

now… SHOULD we get a hero with a particular gender/species/sexual orientation just because you want it and feel left out or even feel it’s underrepresented? Nah. This is a video game and while equal representation is nice, it really should be a tertiary concern.

But the fact the overwatch team does not hesitate to draw their characters from any gender or race or species or sexual orientation is great!


What does “but go off” actually mean? I’ve never heard someone say that. I suppose mt 2-cents to the topic is that a black woman would be pretty cool but there are many ethnicities that also need representation. Though they could represent a place like Canada and have a black woman as well.

Well either way I think the game has done a tremendous job at diversification, even if not all ethnicities can be represented at the moment. But hey there’s still that one black woman from the picture that I believe belongs to mercy from the core team. Either way unfortunately Orisa is the closest thing to a black woman like Sombra is the closest thing to a Latino. I want to see an alien as a hero. We already have space monkey, why not an alien? Or jet pack cat.

no one is against it but if you want the game to be more inclusive
like the op said then theirs a lot more races and ethnicitys you should add first

What do you mean by “first”? Why does this Black female hero have to wait or can’t be first?

An Alien seems odd. I’m not really sure how that would work.

I’d like one! We only have one black hero, we could use more.


space lasers and alien powers. Now that’s what blizzard needs to make to really make Overwatch diverse

because almost all the new heros have been female and 2 of them are black. there are other races that haven’t been represented so if you really want representation why add more redundant races and yes i think that goes for japanese egyption sweedish and american too

I’d only accept it if they figure out a way to make it a starcraft crossover but i also see that working even less.

no we have 4 lucio, orisa reaper and df

If you say so.

Perhaps a nap is in order.

Or maybe instead of requesting new heroes based solely on race, we should get new heroes that have good lore, with fun gameplay mechanics & abilities. Whether they are black or not is up to the developers.

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I agree, it wouldn’t hurt and it might make some people very happy but don’t think they should base character’s designs specifically on race/gender/orientation.

Idk maybe I’m wrong but I don’t feel right about demanding “x” characters.

Plus people are currently complaining that there hasn’t been enough male characters added since launch.
but imo to me it doesn’t matter, I care more about abilities and how it effects the current metas

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A Black Woman could have all those things, so your point is moot. But thanks for contributing.

Reaper is American-Latino, not black.

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theyre being pretty mean but def not racist. being mean to a black person doesnt mean your racist

I never said a black woman couldn’t, but you fail to give one character that could be a possible candidate for what you’re saying, instead you’re crying on the forums saying “More Black Now!”

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I want to see Marvin the Martian as a playable character

And none of them are Black human women. So. Y’know… not really what OP asked for.