Can we fix Open queue Balance?

Alot of players like me like playing all 3 roles.

I used to love playing Open queue in OW1 even towards the end of OW1 in OW2 Open queue has just been pointless from Season 1-6

I loved the nostalgia of OW1 and its unorthodox compositions having a Tank in OW2 open queue feels like kind of a waste of a player.

Tank health should scale by number of tanks on team for example if you have 1 Tank they have max health

If you have 2 they have 85%

If you have 3 they have 75% of their max health etc.

Although honestly it would probably just be better if you reverted back to 2018 OW and actually balanced the game since thats when everyones favourite period of Overwatch was.
(Keep the new characters though obviously)


Tanks are still better than DPS in most situations in OQ.


Not with the tank HP nerf, its just plain nonsense unless you force one of your teammates to tank with you, but OQ doesn’t force 2 tanks. So basically: No you’re wrong. I’ve seen more dps and supports on OQ than tanks and I really don’t know why. Even in OQ people don’t like playing tank.

Hell, even bastion has almost the same HP as some tanks, its just stupid on the dev’s end to have forced a change like this.

I dont know what I could say to sway you on this. Tanks are better on paper, and in practice. Even with the HP nerf, tanks still have all of their damage negation abilities and their DPS isnt that much lower than most DPS characters. They can kill lower HP targets faster than a DPS can burn through their higher HP Pools and abilities.

There are some poor matchups, like diving a Bastion that has their Turret ability, but thats why you play smart and Dive him after he uses it. Even Doomfist kills him in that situation.

Doomfist in OQ has less health than bastion.

I genuinely see no reason to pick him over like reaper or something.

Just to reinforce this claim,

The one team is pretty much a buncha tanks doin’ nothing, the other team constantly bounces around between the other roles in a desperate attempt to deal adequate damage.

it’s ez. just make it 6v6 and rollback to OW1 balance.

5v5 is only for RQ and worsened every other game modes. There’s no reason other game modes to be 5v5 when it isn’t RQ.

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You are complaining about an issue that Blizzard fixed a long time ago by adding role queue.

If you want balanced open queue play role queue its that simple.

“Fixed” lol
Some people like when the game was more fun and less restrictive of players. Who knew

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Yet you all still complain about going up against 5 tanks go figure

It’s incredible how wrong you are with every post. I never once complained about tank stacking in OQ. Because it’s piss easy to deal with. Stop embarrassing yourself. Who tf is complaining about enemy tank stacking when tanks have less health? They evaporate, that’s the problem with them.

Youre the one whinging buddy.

Maybe you’d improve at the game if you got off the forums and actually played the game you complain about so much in every single long winded crybaby post.

If you consider correcting you as whining, then sure. And did you really double post instead of just editing it into your previous reply?

I have played this game more than you. There’s no point playing it anymore like most people have already figured out. It’s pretty sad you can’t handle correction or criticism for the game. And nothing is more pathetic than a totally legit low post poster entering a thread to complain about other people asking for fixes to the game. The irony.

Its bronze homie. This doesnt prove anything for or against.