Can we experiment with Symmetra next?

We’ve tried a crazy rework with Moira, but how about Symmetra? Healing turrets? Shield Generator return? It doesn’t have to be either of these, but something would be nice.

It would be great to see that the developers still care about Symmetra.

Inspiration from this post in r/SymmetraMains


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Hopefully soon. Symm mains have been beat down for too long it makes Mercy mains look cherished.


Is this a manbearpig?

It’s surprisingly difficult to find images of Symm flexing without too much skin.


Yes. They can also start with fixing or refunding tp self destruct glitches and fixing her stupid hitbox

Something to show that they actually pay a small amount of attention to their player base would be nice, too. As a Sym player I’m not gonna be holding my breath.

After all she was used as a taxicab for half a second in some official game, so she’s A-OK now right? RIGHT?! lol christ.

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yare yare daze…