Please DO NOT make Symmetra into a healer

This is the thing I dont understand

Why would you quit for a silly little thing?

They are so busy with the DLC there wont be any reworks soon

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I think making her into a healer could work,


Healer no barrier and shield based area controlling support YOSH PLOX!

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It’s not a silly little thing. Symmetra and Widowmaker are literally the reason I play and How I play and How I have fun. If blizzard decides to take that away from me, then I might as well just leave.

Symmetra is honestly FINE the way she is, she just needs a little buff. I play her without any issues.

I think they just need to keep symmetra as a dps but add a shields support to replace what Symmetra left when she was turned into a dps.

Symmetra’s concept for a dps is great, sure she needs some changes but not turning into a support like 6 turrets instead of 3 and 250hp instead of 200.
On the other hand we do need a shields support that can heal this time…
I always thought Symmetra would be better as 2 heroes.

Can be nice replacing tp with some sort of a deffensive ability and giving the tp and the shields to a new support.

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What’s your ‘all modes’ winrate with her? Just curious.

This is my opinion on her. Not just because I like her, because I have put almost 300 hours into her from Sym 1.0 to 3.0

Her Primary, as a DPS is already weak as it is because you need to be tracking perfectly to do the full damage, in higher elo that’s extremely difficult to do. The damage nerf seems off.

I don’t think the charge time is the issue on her secondary, I think the orb speed perhaps needs to move faster. I like the right click the way it is, it lets me send out orbs at different times as I use teleport harass a choke

I like photon barrier and I miss it a lot, but I think teleporter is more reliable than photon barrier. I think teleporter should be used more efficiently or quicker or better, MAKE IT A PORTAL THROUGH WALLS, it’s hard sometimes to put on ledges when there’s something right next to it.

I like the way turret it is, I think itself it’s fine. No heals needed.

Ultimate ability, the wall, is the best creation ever made, this is the chance where you use your primary to clean out enemies while dancing between walls. What I don’t like about it is melee can kill me when I’m dancing in between which is quite lethal, but every ult needs some sort of counter.

I don´t think they have a reason to rework the old character instead of adding a new one. They still have space to add a new characters from lore. Reworking Mei to tank - that´s more possible, cause Mei has every ability and ult more closer to be a tank, than a dps. But Symmetra has nothing to do with healing so, it would be just silly move.

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55% on Symmetra, 52% on Widow

How would this be little? For an inidividual who rly likes Symmetra and only plays her.

Did they even say that symmetry is going back to support?

Well this is sadly the effect on all kinds of changes. They know that changing Sym to a support would probably disappoint a lot of people, but they also know that the majority of players would probably welcome it. Symmetra is not played very much and still feels like a clunky hero that has no real niche for a DPS-hero. Reworking her might be the best way to actually get more people to play her.

She is not clunky. She is not your typical DPS. Just because someone doesn’t know how to play her PROPERLY doesn’t make a hero “clunky”

Please DO make her into a healer. I’d love Support Symmetra to return. Allow her primary beam to heal and do damage.

how many hours do you even have on her

So are you going to give me a real response or are you just going to attempt to dismiss my idea because you have a lot of time on Symmetra? I have over 150 hours gathered on all of my accounts, so yes I have good experience with all iterations of Symmetra.

Symmetra was only a “support” because she provided utility. You want to make her a “Healer” if her primary beam heal and do damage, that put Moira in shame, and makes her no longer special.

Her kit is good where she is right now, she needs buff her a little bit

Why do I get a sense that you don’t play Sym nor you have the Tyrande skin.

That isn’t the only thing Symmetra will need for a healer rework, it was just one idea. You can’t dismiss a healer rework without actually seeing what the devs will have to offer.

It’s not about how balanced she is, it’s about how many people miss Support Symmetra and how baren the Support category is after she was moved.

I’m in the r/SymmetraMains subreddit, and I have made polls and surveys regarding Symmetra. Please stop trying to dismiss my opinions when I have put so much time into advocating for Symmetra changes on the forums.

Thank u next

Yes, I do have more hours than you and that’s because I actually enjoy playing her the way she is.

I have over 1000 hours on Widow and I can tell you all the little things about her that most of the players don’t know. and One thing is that WIDOW’s counters, Sym can counter.