Can we buff mercy just a bit

If you are referring to mass rez, I am glad it is not currently in the game and hope it never returns in any form

I’m glad that you are glad. But I’m currently not glad how this rework turned out. As someone who has played this hero through thick and thin. This shouldn’t be the final spot for Mercy.

I think Mercy still has her strengths. It seems like people are dead-set in their opinions though.

I will say, Baptiste’s exo-boots are cool, but they still don’t top Mercy’s mobility. Even if his mobility is self-reliant, hers is still way better. But that’s just how I feel about it.

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I have to wonder why you have continued to hold this feeling long after the change in question occurred, rather than voicing your concerns and then moving on to other characters( or other games) you enjoy more?

Oh I have. Apex iteration of the Mercy rework is phenomenal.

When an individual still complains about changes made long ago, this means that said individual has not really moved on, even if said individual is playing other games

No it doesn’t I can still voice a complaint. Free Speech is a right. If you have a problem with it you can debate. You can’t shut someone out for having a different opinion other than your wrong one.



when the complaint continues for a long, long time after what is being complained about actually occurred, it means the individual making said complaints hasn’t moved on

It means the individual paid money for the game. So they have a right to give feedback on a product they dislike.

An individual who continues to complain about a change made months or years ago is an individual who hasn’t moved on

No way, Rez is and will always be the most broken ability in the entire game, hands down. There is no way anyone would support it getting buffed or changed. If anything it should be removed and give Mercy more healing, or something to maybe give the team CC immunity or literally anything else besides rez.

Again buddy. I paid money for the game. It doesn’t matter how long ago a change was made I still have a right to complain about it. What’s funny is you trying to defend a dead rework. Baptiste has everything Mercy players have been asking for in a character.

Guys this thread was supposed to be about 5-15 more healing per second not mass rez

One can indeed complain for as long as one wishes, and as much as one wishes


when an individual continues to complain about an issue from long ago, said individual hasn’t moved on

If this statement is referring to Mercy: she is alive and well, being played everyday on live servers; and remains a very popular character

The main thing I hear the anti-Mercy faction asking for is mass rez.

I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, as I dont have access to the PTR and ergo didnt know that Baptiste has mass rez


Don’t buff the healing. That doesn’t help with Mercy’s issues, it only makes her stronger. Instead, buff the ult charge gain for damage boost. Boom, you’re good Mercy? You get not healing too in form of Valkyrie.

It helps differentiate the good from the bad Mercys. Helps with her ceiling.

It’s also the unique part of her kit outside of ults. It’s a reason to pick her.

the main problem with mercy is her lowered healing compared to other supports such as Moira and Ana. her ult also charges really fast

I disagree. Her main issue is how poorly designed some aspects of her kit are and how low her skill ceiling is, which is why she underpicked heavily in higher elos.

Currently she is underpicked even in plat and gold, so I would say the ceiling issue is also more important than raw healing.

Getting your ult faster also means more healing too. So bonus points.

Now imagine if the good player got it even faster, being rewarded for their damage boosted, unlike now.

Yeah same. I wasn’t fond of the rework but could still find pleasure in playing her. The 50 HPS nerf was the nail in the coffin for me. It changed her fast paced core gameplay that everyone loved just enough to not feel the same


I’ve been playing a decent amount of Apex. Havent come across Mercy though. Where’d you find her?

She’s great. Try and look a little harder. You might find her.

She’s the little turtle drone in lifeline’s kit