Can we buff Doomfist again? Like...Please?

Why is it that when Goats is super OP and played in every single game at high levels, they give one or two little nerfs to heroes every couple weeks to slowly tune down the strength of that comp, but when Doomfist was just a little too strong (and mostly strong against the super OP meta comp) he gets wrecked so hard with the nerf hammer that they may as well have just deleted him from the game entirely? I mean…was it really necessary to nerf everything about him???

By the way, while we’re buffing useless ults like McCree’s, can we get a buff to Meteor Strike? I mean come on, now it’s 100% completely useless unless they’re in a grav, and even then it takes so long to use it, that they’re probably going to be out of the grav by the time you actually get to land on them unless you pop MS before Zarya even throws the grav. And that takes WAY more coordination an planning that anyone is willing to use in any of my games.

And then there’s his Slam. I don’t even understand why you bothered to nerf the distance on it. All that does is nerf his mobility, which was still not as good as most other heroes in the game, and if you were going to do it, it took two abilities to really get anywhere. Was the extra distance really in need of a nerf?


Unfortunately, there’s so many people who were annoyed with Doomfist that nobody but other Doomfist mains will probably agree with you. It sucks, and I feel awful now that my favorite hero is in an even worse spot than he was at his previous worst, but mob mentality will never be won over.


You know he is getting buffed already right? Wait and see how that pans out first.


Don’t you think the 1 second reduction on the cooldown of two of his abilities is pretty major?


Let’s see how this buff goes first. I hate when the devs try and “balence” with a sledge hammer, instead of making smaller changes.

If he needs a bit more, I’m all for buffing him again next patch. But, let this patch go live first before we say any hero needs another Nerf or buff.


I’ll observe how the cdr buffs pan out personally.


Also don’t forget about this:

If this means slam will work properly again, that will fix most of my complaints.


Yeah, I saw a comparison video about this earlier. I’m not a DF expert by any means, but it looked like a pretty considerable improvement.

He got considerable buff in the PTR

The CD of Slam and Uppercut got reduced to 6 secs instead of 7

And Slam now stops the targets momentum (similar to Flashbang)

I just wish they do something about his ult


You guys act like we don’t have the PTR to see exactly how these buffs play out… Yes obviously he’s “better” technically, just because a character can’t not improve to some degree with shorter cooldowns. But the problem here is that his cooldowns weren’t really holding him back, at least not in any capacity that wouldn’t require a significant rebalance of all of them (including Rocket Punch) to make it matter.

What he needs is his slam distance reverted to 20m, he needs a touch more of his CC back as they basically went from what he had to about 5% of that and call me crazy but I think there might be a middle ground, and finally, if they don’t want Meteor Strike to be a kill on low mobility targets, then he needs an entirely different ult, as having an ult that is exclusively used as glorified mobility or escape, is a really bad ult.


IMO, Doomfist is the hero most defined by his abilities. It’s why a hacked DF is such a sad sight.

Reducing the cooldown of his abilities is a pretty dang substantial buff. I think it will be quite impactful.

They already fixed his uppercut knockback stuff in the PTR as well. The knockback change affects this. That’s technically another buff. Wait. And. See.

CD were indeed holding him back, one of Doomfist primary issues was his downtime, but with shorter CD this becomes less of a problem

Idk about this now that they buffed his CDs

They gave it back to Slam, it doesnt pull them but it stops the target from moving


Well, here’s the thing, not everyone reads PTR. And, personally, as a Console player, I can’t really comment on how good a patch is until it goes live (i can’t use PTR). All I can do is read the notes and maybe watch YT-ers who can use PTR. But, I like testing things for myself, before I say they are good or bad.

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The buff he needs right now is to his ult. It’s the biggest joke of a DPS ult in the game (not counting Sym’s, cause it doesn’t do dps). The worst thing is, his ult was already trash before it got nerfed. The only people complaining about it were Ana and Zen mains on the forums, cause it was a “no skill guaranteed 1 shot” to them with their lack of shield or movement ability

Agree, at this point his ult is the main thing that needs tweaks

If they were reduced by a significant margin, yes. But 1s isn’t gonna shoot him out of the gutter and into the meta was the point. Yeah cooldown reductions are good, but like OP says, he still needs more if he’s gonna come out of the trash any time soon.

Which you can play on the PTR and easily see that it still doesn’t make him good. It makes him “better” but an improvement on garbage isn’t hard and doesn’t turn it into solid gold.

Repeat, I never said it didn’t help, but that the changes you’d have to make to his cooldowns to compensate the other areas he suffers in would be drastically larger than the changes needed to simply fix those areas.

1s will not make the slightest difference in why the slam distance nerf was abysmally bad. Literally every single personality in the Overwatch community who didn’t just want Doomfist to be unplayable has agreed that this change was terrible and should be reverted.

They fixed a bug. Not to mention they’ve said they’ve “fixed” Doomfist’s 300 other bugs about 15 different times yet they still occur on a regular basis, so pardon me if I’d rather not hinge his balance on Blizzard’s RNG based development.

Well as someone who avidly played Doomfist pre-nerf and has played with the PTR changes, yes, like I said, he’s “better”, but just as the topic said, he definitely still needs more to come anywhere close to something resembling viability.


He was nerfed for a reason. Let these buffs pan out first atleast.