Can we all take a moment to remember how BUSTED Brig was at launch?

I mean seriously, looking back it’s just funny.

  • 50 damage shield bash
  • Shield bash could go THROUGH SHIELDS
  • Insta-150-HP armor pack that overhealed on a 6-8 sec (don’t remember exactly) cooldown
  • Similar Inspire balancing
  • Rally gave 150 armor
  • Rally’s armor was PERMANENT until damaged away.

Is there anything I’m forgetting? I mean, boy oh boy am I glad that they reworked Brig because THAT was a nightmare.


600 hp shield of course.


Not sure the point of this post, I mean its in the past now. However, what is telling is that they took an MMO approach to a FPS problem that they created - that of hyper-mobility, the Original Sin of Overwatch. That they thought players would appreciate this creature, designed single-handedly to break a meta shows how out of touch they can be in the highest order and how much they pander to the players of Dive characters.

On the flip-side, the rework is actually one of the few bright spots in their balancing efforts, they turned an OP character requiring little skill to one that requires a high degree of game sense and positioning and created a much better skill match-up. More importantly, they keyed on the idea that anti-flanker doesn’t mean you have to kill an opponent in every case, merely drive them off.


Just a stroll down memory lane is all


It’s more like a flash of a fevered dream. I still wake up screaming from those days…


Eh. I think she was a bit OP but that she got nerfed way beyond what was reasonable and that everything that happened with GOATs was due to a variety of factors. Not a popular opinion but that’s mine.

I think the rework made her a lot worse for the game.


An easy to execute combo that could kill any character below 150 hp without them being able to react… although that’s related to the damage of shield bash.


Shield Bash originally had an ultra forgiving hitbox making it basically impossible to miss.


You forgot:
600 HP shield
Stun lasted 0.15s longer
Self healing was 50% higher than now


More often than not, people think killing is equal to countering. I feel the devs may have just been pandering towards that mindset but yes, it’s good that although Brig can’t 1v1 all of the DPS, she can still reliably counter them due to just the amount of armor she can pump out.


I mean, she was bad, but she wasn’t as bad as people make her out to be. She never reached 100% pickrate or anything.

Moth Mercy was worse.


i played her quite a bit after launch… (after the first shieldbash cd nerfs… which did nothing lol)

and i found it to be really unfair for everyone
bash anyone, do the combo and they are basically dead
(hitting a bash midfight is not hard)

bashing rein through his shield >.< so stupid
no reason to play any other support

blizz making release brig: this is fine


No need to stuck with the past, lets look into the future.

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I will say this- without much effort she could easily run a 1v2 or 1v3 and often win at rates no other character could reliably do. It was bad enough a lot of folks felt she was “cheaty” to run, and avoided her in 1.0 state. I know I did.

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Helicopter Gunship Mercy that never even escaped PTR, maybe, but even then Mercy didn’t completely break the game in half the way Brigitte did.

she was literally the most busted thing thats ever been released to this game, i think that extends a bit further than “she was a bit OP”

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Oh yes she did. Mercy was completely obligatory all up and down the ladder plus in QP. Brigitte never did that.


This mindset has been a big problem, but I think a lot of it is just people trying to justify their opinion that Brigitte isn’t good when she’s still pretty OP. They rage at not being a raid boss and don’t even really perceive how strong her abilities are anyway.

No problem with this since her entire combo that involved melees would do only like 150hp max

It’s the only melee attack that doesn’t. Quite frankly it’s an inconsistency.

Yes which means she had only one reactionary healing ability which made her a terrible off support in non 3-3 comps

The only busted part about her + the bug.


it had absolutely 0 aim requirement for an instakill…
plus with her shield she was able to close gaps on ranged heroes through literally just M2ing into them then shield bash comboing them, then you just outheal their damage too

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