What tanks or dps did having Mercy demand? Brigitte basically locked half the roster out of the existence. Mercy at most made Zen popular. Brigitte dominated every part of the game. Her ultimate dictated who won fights it was so busted. Her shield bash dictated who won the Reinhardt match-up. Her existence as a pickable hero made other heroes unplayable because she countered the so obscenely hard.
Mercy has always been popular because she’s so user-friendly. When Mercy is overpowered her pickrate immediately maxes out, but even at her height she didn’t break the game; she just strangled the healer role.
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Also Rally was bugged and thus much stronger than the devs intended.
As much aim requirements as doomfists entire kit or genjis blade. It’s also not an insta kill because bash + primary + primary + whipshot still didn’t do 200 damage. It’s not an instakill for anybody besides baby D.Va and Tracer
genjis blade did less damage than that version of brig, and thats an ultimate ability
At least in the current version of Brig, this is an intended inconsistency
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Oh right I forgot about that. You’re right. /s
Well, I was a support at the time, so strangling the healer role particularly sucked for me.
Genji’s can be used multiple times, and every kill resets his dash.
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Brig was still pretty fun to use.
I mean, if we’re to talk about Busted.
Remember Doomfist who used to have a hitbox of a CAR on his RP?
Or Sigma where he was not only picked darn near 100% in the OWL because of how good his toolkit was?
Granted, none of them came close to the power of Brig but still, I think Brig being released now prob wouldn’t been as bad IMO.
So what I’m getting from this, is we could’ve avoided all of this if blizzard just nerfed tracer and genji instead of powercreeping everyone else during dive meta.
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What ever you think about Brig at launch you can’t say she’s in a good spot now. She’s been nerfed to the point no one thinks about her any more but if you acutally play the hero she’s a joke. She provides very little to the team and takes no skill at all to play. She’s a mid range heal bot. Just hang back, toss repair packs and try and land a rocket flail every 5 seconds to tick inspire.
For all that people said early Brig was a zero skill hero she had far more to manage to and worry about. Also funny same people said she took no skill think Reinhart take skill…
Anyone realize how the most busted heroes in history were all supports.
Moth Mercy
Triple tank Ana (arguably not op just overtuned)
And that’s going against some pretty op heroes from other roles. 4s DM D.Va, release Widow, McCree. Nothing ever came close to those three.
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I would doubt any one would argue Bastion before some of the nerfs, Hanzo and many more are far more impactful than any support ever was. People just hate support because the they like flashy kills.
Anything that stops a kill is OP and broken but it’s fine to push Q and kill 6 people.
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I agree 1000% - and they are not the only ones.
I still think this should be added back into Overwatch. Having permanent armor could justify having a little less healing in the game since there’s a way to increase your team’s defenses.
Support doesn’t have to equal healing anyway. Maybe permanent armor could allow Brig to not heal at all, but instead rapidly place armor to see can be a more unique hero?
My only complaint to that is that other heroes have easy to execute quick killing combos (I usually call them ‘True Combos’) in this game right now.
I’m going to list some I can think of, but don’t think that means I think they’re all broken.
Hogs Shoot + Hook + Shoot.
Mcree’s Flash + Fan (which is still good despite what others say).
Hanzo’s Arrow + Storm Arrow
Echo’s Sticky + Laser
Yet for some characters, they got their combo nerfed. Like Sigma’s Rock + M1 (which was difficult as you had to land the rock first.)
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… literally all of this could have been on her rework.
The only reason no one is lighting torches is because that balance was lowered down.
You should be lighting torches but its fine.
Let her be a brain dead hero . Just stay out of my game
Well tbf, all other heroes that have kill combos either have more limited supportive capabilities (e.g. shielding, healing, utility) or none at all. It’s more that the combination of having both is just overkill. Brig wasn’t just killing an enemy, but also healing her allies at the same time.
Then there’s also the matter that some of these combos are less foolproof than Brigitte’s combo was (it was really hard to mess that one up):
- The effectiveness of Roadhog’s combo is quite dependent on the hitbox of the enemy target (like killing Ana or Lucio with it is quite hard, even if they’re already missing health) and the hook is also easier to miss than the shield bash.
- McCree’s is partly luck based. With some real bad luck, most of the fan shots just miss.
- Hanzo’s and Echo’s don’t stun the target so they allow for reactive counterplay (albeit in a short time window) and they can still miss their shots rather easily.
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There’s also the Rally bug that could stack armor up to ~40% DR, Rally going through shields (still want that back btw), bash jumps and bash-flail dashes.
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She had an Orisa shield. Crazy when you think about it lol