Can we all agree on this?

It doesn’t take entire code to be bad - just a little oversight can send entire program running wild. Debugging is always a pain.

Bugs happen. It’s not like it takes a catastrophic amount of effort to crash a server. Even one subtle bug can do it.

Undoing an elimination at the press of a button shouldn’t be in the game period.
Not unless equally brain dead one-shot attacks are also allowed.

That “exploit” has already been fixed. Long time ago, actually.

Not that it was that big of an issue to begin with. But people love believing in fairy tales from time to time.

Nah. It was kinetic sure, but I was never partial to mass Rez both as and against Mercy.

I think a lot of people don’t like res in general, so mass res won’t help matters much unless it’s done right.

Blizz hasn’t given us any reason to believe they can do it right, hence why I’m against it.

Some people give some great sugestion though, if only some of those worked at blizzard.

Right now though, mass res is a no go for me👌