Can we all agree on this?

30 seconds pfffff. I can get it in 15 /s

No, it did not charge in 30 seconds.

Need to go ,Remember the Actual Mercy’s Megathread is Titanium’s topic =)

And rez was a teamkill all over again if the mercy died.

Rez invuln ruined Rez.

It rewarded bad Mercy’s for poor ults.

  • Diamond Mercy player back in S3 and S4

I mean, Mercy is a priority target, so was her Resurrect ult. If you KNEW that she had Resurrect, and you didn’t see her in the fight, you might want to just bait a Res, then ult the dust out of her. I know that it was tilting to see your progress being erased, but… how come no one ever said this about Soldier ult, or Reaper ult, or McCree ult?(yeah well let’s not talk about McCree, since his ult is pretty bad, but what if someone kills an entire enemy team with it? Which would be pretty rare, just like 5 man resses imo). Both Reaper and Soldier have easy ways to kill entire teams, but no one ever talks about them. Why? Because they both had counters. You know what Mercy lacked? Counters. All of these changes would have made enough room for counterplay, and also the meta that is happening now. Hammond, Brigitte, Sombra hack, could all be checks/counters to her.

It is not worth the risk imo. if it is still too strong, we will have another year of OP mercy.

People were complaining that the Res before invincibility was too weak, as the allies would die right away because Mercy would have died there if she was in the middle of the enemy team. I would say that it would fit in just perfectly with the damage reduction and the 1 second cast time.

The things were way different back then.

Not sure how you’d make mass rez teamwork proof but you’re welcome to try.

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Reins entire kit is bugged.

Honestly, just remove him from the game while you fix all his bugs Blizz, then add him back when fixed. He might as well be unplayable right now.

That right there is what we call over reacting.

No, I won’t agree because Mercy is fine.

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Or rework without rez at all :upside_down_face:

What if you’re team isn’t taking damage or your walking back from spawn.

Have you played Rein? Plus, even Blizzard has said they’re going to have to start from scratch with his coding it’s that broken.

There comes a point where something is too buggy to just sit in the game, and Rein is at that point.

The point where a hero is too buggy to be in game has only been crossed once, by This was because selecting her crashed the servers or something.

Because as an ult it wouldn’t be available at the start of a match?

Because as an ult she would need to stay alive and heal/boost to build it up?

Adding things like a LOS, cast time, and possible damage reduction while casting-ie no IFrames, could have help with a lot of the issues she reportedly had.

As oppose to now where she has it every 30 secs. At the start of a match, and not needing to work for it. Also people have found ways to exploit the respawn technique so that they don’t even need to wait 30 secs.

I never had to deal with Hide-And-Seek cause it seemed to only happen in comp. Never dealt with it in arcade and the few times I did QP.

That’s overexaggerated nonsense.

People always say this. “If Mercy dies while rezzing it’s a 5v6”. Yeah, if the enemy team wiped you out without losing a single person. How often does that happen? 5% of team fights?

No, more likely you traded kills and the Mercy rez gives her man advantage. Regardless of whether it was one of the vaunted 5-man rezzes or a 2-3 quasi-tempo rez (in which case Mercy usually didn’t die anyway) you were almost certainly in an advantage.

Yes, theoretically, rez could be countered by using deadeye, self-destruct, or some other high-damage zoning ult as they were rezzing. In practice, a successful rez was a get-out-of-jail-free card to protect the point in close to 90% of cases. And that, more than anything else, is why:

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See any trust I had in Blizzard coding has just gone straight out the window.

They made it so you couldn’t select her and it was patched out swiftly.

Yer but how was there coding that bad in the first place?