Can We Admit Role Queue is a Failure?

My favorite McCree streamer just quit today. I am genuinely sad about this. He’s the reason I one tricked the character for over two years.

This entire game is a failure what ?

This is not an issue created by 2-2-2.

Not sure that slapping a dps player into a team without a tank is really better. It is certainly a worse situation for the one that gets dropped into the backfill. And, in my experience you might loss a team fight because of being out numbered while you wait for one, but once you get one you stand a better chance of actually pulling out the win than you did when you got a random dps instead of a tank replacement. So, again, I don’t think 2-2-2 fixed everything, but even this is at least marginally better with it.

No, it is not good. But, neither is one team having tanks and the other just not. Again, not a fix for everything nor perfect. But it is better.

Yes, there is more work to be done. Yes, we need to fix more issues. But, throwing out the baby with the bathwater is not the answer.

I would simply argue that it is working in that it is better than it was. But it is not a fix all and more work certainly needs to be done. People acted like it was going to suddenly make all issues go away. It was never going to do that. And there is not going to be any single thing that will. It is an improvement, and taken as such it is working. Now we need to look to the next thing that can make it better. And then the next after that. etc.

That was really the case even before she was changed. Nobody actually took her as a support.

The reality is people are going to take damage. That wont ever change. A support that can heal that will ALWAYS be needed. You might be able to have a low healing, high mitigation function. But some healing will always be needed.

I never said that the lack of tanks were created by 222. What I’m saying is the lack of tanks is one of the reasons why the system doesn’t work optimally.

There are times in almost the entire match is played, before that slots filled.

I’ve seen it where you lose a tank, and they’re capping the second point on two CP come before you fill that slot. Or, they’ve escorted the payload to the second point. And so on.

And before 2-2-2 you would get a dps in and then lose the match anyway because you didn’t have the comp. Honestly, the rare cases that you have a 5v6 for a long period is far outweighed by the gains.

In other words:

The system works, but there are still things that need to be done. I don’t think anyone would argue against more needing to be done. However, an improvement is an improvement even if it is not a complete fix.

I never argued that no more needs to be done. I just argue that the game is better with 2-2-2. So, we keep the system that is working, ie making things better. Then we look for the next thing to improve the situation even more.

If you think it was 0 then you are either very naive or benefiting from the earlier mentioned poor matchmaking that would put you in situations where your true SR at the role you picked did not reflect your SR at the time.

psychopuff they gotten a ton of negative feedback against 1/3/2 only thing they can really do is recode the game to allow 7 players each team though likely if they did that really wont do a dent in queue times i think

No, I’m never going back to jungle fest mode. And no, 1-3-2 is not a solution. It’s gonna put even more pressure to the sole tank and they’re tilt you even more when they don’t save your 3 feeding bodies.

So you are saying role queue caused more harm than good, but then suggest another form of it by endorsing 1-3-2? Hmm…

Nope. 2-2-2 > 1-3-2 > Nothing

Just my opinion though because people are allowed to have different opinions. WHAT???

2-2-2 caused more harm than good. 1-3-2 is actually fun. DPS and tanks love it. I’ve only seen complaints from low output support mains because of all the damage coming from different angles.

Role queue is most definitely not a failure. Nor did it cause more harm than good: the wait time for DPS players is a problem created by the DPS players themselves and is easily rectifiable simply by queuing for other two roles. The loss of the ability to flex roles is real, yet in the grand scheme of things a minor concern.

This is the worst answer you could possibly give. “JUST DON’T PLAY THE CHARACTERS YOU LIKE IN A GAME YOU PAID FOR!” Please go.


I never agreed or advocated for 2-2-2. In fact, I opposed it. However, it has grown onto me. Every now and then I try quick play classic, and I start thinking how did I ever liked that chaos.

I don’t main a role, nor do I main a hero. Never did, never will. I prefer certain heroes, but I don’t mind others. The only heroes I just don’t like playing are Genji and Doom, and I will never want 1-3-2. I tried it, and it was awful. Too much pressure on the tank, and the game feels more like a deathmatch than an objective-based match, which is exactly not what Overwatch was designed to be. Otherwise, we would have been balancing in regards to deathmatch, and the mode would’ve been in place of quick play instead of in the arcade.

I disagree with there being too much pressure on the tank. If anything, they have far more freedom to do what they want with the tweaked abilities.

No, you.

Honestly, thought we only needed hero bans/pools and after they released a few more tanks and supports.

It’s 100% this. Not only are queue times complete crap, but match quality honestly hasn’t changed much for competitive play.

Heroes in this game don’t fit into three neat buckets, so it really solved nothing and caused problems on top of it.

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That’s your opinion, but did you even try the 1-3-2 experiment while playing tanks? As I mentioned, I don’t main a role, so I tried all roles on that mode and tanks felt the worst because of the pressure, followed by supports, and then DPS in the last place. Even Jeff said that a lot of the OW development team agreed upon being under too much pressure to perform on solo tanks.

Also, 1-3-2 isn’t guaranteed to solve the queue problems because they’re caused by a shortage of tank players, specifically main tanks. If it were to be implemented, it will lead to more problems like tanks switching to DPS, support or just quitting the game for good. Furthermore, the developers need to do a lot of balance patches to make all heroes fit the system. Some people might say only tanks need re-balance, but I disagree. You can’t simply solo tank against a combination of Mei, Reaper, Doomfist, and Sombra.

Nope. I have met matches that went downhill very, very quickly. As quickly as after the first teamfight. But never at spawn.

Team composition didn’t had to be good to have a shot at winning. You could work with the most improbable team and win, if you simply play better than the enemy team. So, no matter what each player picks, it’s never a loss before the doors open.

The other way to gauge that would be if you had the whole team incommunicable or screaming at each other, and I have won matches in both cases, in no different ratio than your average game. I still remember one match where we stomped the enemy team, and my team was actually fighting over voice chat about someone in the team being useless and trying to point themselves as the “true carry” of the stomp.

So, if it is not team comp, neither is team comms (absence or utter chaos), it’s simply impossible to determine if a match will be a loss before there is at least one teamfight.

Remember that your team don’t need to be good to win. They only need to be better than the enemy team.

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