Can the next balance sweep be a pass at F-tier heroes?

Give reworks / tweaks / buffs to the likes of Sym Bastion and Sombra. TY

I feel like a goal of balancing should be towards making every hero mainable (I didn’t say onetrickable so calm down usual suspects) and removing the “groan, an X main, GG go next.”

If you make a game with heroes with so much flair, personality, and unique design, it’s obvious people will be drawn to certain heroes, and it’s quite unfair if someone happens to like “the right” hero to main vs someone who happens to like “the wrong” hero to main.


I couldn’t have said it better

I dont think Syms that bad. Maybe an increase to shields by like 50 would be nice.

I feel it is a bit too idealist. The reality is just that whatever meta forms is going to have heroes that perform so poorly in it that they going to be f-tier. I understand some heroes are bad in virtually every meta, but the reality is they kind of just make people quit the game if they are relevant. They see those numbers and it scares them. That should tell you something because look at the state of the game NOW. THIS does not concern them. When Bastion, Sombra or Sym were top tier, they acted FAST.

The reality is they need reworked if they ever want to see the light of day. That is just the truth and as long as we keep denying it, they will stay in the corner, never to be used, always at a threat of a nerf.

Naah, Sombra’s fine. She may not be good to have on a typical team, but she’s incredibly fun. Even losing 20 games in a row, you would still have had an epic time. Wins and Loses doesn’t matter when you’re having fun.

If they were to rework Sombra to be viable, she would very likely end up being made to be painful to use so you wouldn’t want to use her in the first place.

No. Next thread.

I’m sorry for the type of person you must be.

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I like Sombra the way she is, I like Sym as a DPS and they can’t buff bastion.

What I really want is an overall change to give kits more versatility. Right now it’s very difficult to have a unique playstyle because most heroes have kits where playing the same way is always optimal.

I think the Moira fade changes are a nice step in the right direction to this. Letting Moira use her fade as a self peel or a cleanse depending on situation mixes up her gameplay and if the change goes through would ultimately present a noticeable difference in how the character gets played not only between ranks, but also between individual players

You could apply these special traits to a lot more characters, for example:

Giving Sombra’s translocator a faster travel time and a slightly longer throwing range. Translocating while it’s still airborne gives you a reduced cool down, meaning you can choose to use it either as an escape tool as most players do now, or a midfight mobility tool.

Or giving Pharah the ability to rocket jump if she holds down crouch when airborne. It offers her the best aerial mobility in the game and depending on how it’s implemented, the best mobility full stop, but the risk comes from the fact she has to take damage to achieve it.

I feel like giving the roster more versatility, especially for weaker heroes, rather than just giving them flat buffs would go a long way

OK but not everybody does?

And why should their opinions be put into game when I like her how she is now CURRENTLY in the live game?

If only that logic saved my precious Sym 1.0 before she was butchered… ruined forever.

I would like you to point out the part where I said to change Sym’s role.

Getting threads confused, same idea tho. Leave her alone.

Yeah no. Don’t be a brick. She needs buffs.

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Because one voice does not speak for all of the others.

Now I understand why hack was on a 12 second cooldown when she was released. Jesus that was oppressive when she was popular after the buffs.

No, she doesn’t. Get good.

Great take, apply it to this thread.

The loudest voice does and I guess Jkap thinks Symmetra is fine. Albeit, several “fine” characters got changes within a week or two of the claim that they were fine… so you never know.

Already better than you and can guarantee that. You said “next thread” so take your own advice and go be toxic and provide no value to any discussion somewhere else

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