Can the dev's please

go back over failed balance changes. They often make a change aimed at something specific in the game they don’t like, I have no problem with that. I do have a problem when those changes fail but are left in the game. for no reason.

Mei got quicker and multi-target freezes mainly to counter Goats. Problem is it failed, she’s no fun to fight and she remains unviable so why is it still here?

Dva had her DM cd increased as she was near a must pick, I get that goal. It didn’t work so they nerfed again so now she’s very weak. Maybe get rid of the failed change when adding a new one rather than death by 1000 nerfs?

Doom was a total joke so they gave him tiny buffs like faster ultimate speed and a more consistent spread, these did nothing until finally they stacked up and he became a monster they had to nerf into the ground.

I call these legacy changes, stuff that once had a reason to be there or used to make sense but no longer do, yet they remain in the game. They can and will be a problem down the road. Blizzard have already addressed a few with Reaper and McCree but in the sea of failed anti-Goats buffs they really need to start purging away these leftovers.

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I made a Similar thread funny enough

While i dont agree with the examples you made, i agree with the premise

They need to learn when to take a step back

I’ve made threads like this in the past before, the Dva stuff (while debateable) made me give it another go. I agree my examples are arguable but that’s why this is a problem, if we all agreed a change was a failure with wider balance ramifications (i.e Reaper 50% life steal) they do go back. The problem is more with failed changes that have no down side now but could with further changes or with few ramifications on balance but wider ones to other areas like fun or ease of use.

Reaper is the one that I think is the worst, because even at 40%, they can’t balance him without him being broke at low-mid tiers of play. Cut down his lifesteal and give him a little more effective range so he can at least duel squishies from 6~10m.

I wish they reverted Brig’s shield back to 600. It would help me tank a few more shotgun attacks from Reaper.

DF should of been completely reworked, he’s a massive issue in that his kit just doesn’t mesh whatsoever with the platform they’re attempting to shove him in. He’s a Street Fighter/Tekken side scroller beat them up combo character. Being forced into a fps reliant moba hybrid and the changes result in either a joke or a near unstoppable force. His kit just will not allow for any real buff/compensation nerf as is. It’s a gimmicky one shot combo that really only works with the genre he should be in.

For me its also one of the best as its one of the few cases of them actually going back on something, 40% is bad but 50% was just dumb. I admit there are few other cases so bad as that one but there are a lot that have just been left in, sometimes for years.

There is a LONG shopping list of bad balance decisions made since game’s launch. Sadly… Blizzard never goes back, especially when Kaplain is in charge.

Look no further than WoW Cataclysm: loads of bad changes made so often many major raiding guilds quit and never once reverted a single thing.