Can someone explain the Sombra change to me please?


But you still have a 2 second window of non-use.

This is definitely a nerf because it greatly increases her setup time when using TL to parkour around the map to high ground, across gaps and so on.

In respect to the ‘buff’ aspect, if you’ve left it 6 seconds you’ve committed to a fight, and it’s your out. If you use it as your out, it’s unlikely you want to make use of the 3 seconds you’ve gained from not having to wait to drop it again to get stuck back in again, as you left for good reason. It’s not a huge buff in terms of recommitting that way.

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Basically now you will be able to drop your tp right after translocating instead of waiting 4 seconds. This will allow you to get into the fight faster.

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well you still have to wait for it to cooldown before you tp but yea

Eh, while you should obviously be using TL to get out of sticky situations, that doesn’t mean you want to be sitting around idling before getting back into the action.

I mean, you reset the fight. You don’t just trickle right back in unless it was a purely personal evade.

You can still, as now, use it as a clutch blink, to throw and TL to.

I’m just saying that every fight is different.

Sometimes you have to TL out when you’d rather not because the choice is TL or die.

If your TL isn’t half the map away and you can use your already-off-cooldown TL to get back into the fight even faster, it lowers downtime and gets you helping your team even faster.

People have probably already said it but:

It’s only really a nerf if your translocator gets destroyed. Meaning you have to wait 6 seconds instead of 4.

If you deploy it and use it after 6 seconds, you can deploy another one instantly.

Sure. But that’s far more niche than using it to set up on high ground for example, which is nerfed hard.

Niche benefits on a general purpose nerf.

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Essentially her Translocator is like Winston’s Projected Barrier.

It immediately goes on cooldown once deployed.

It’s a buff that looks like a nerf.

They probably had to increase the cooldown because well, being able to refresh Translocator in under 4 seconds is a tad much, it had to have some consequences.

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Basically she can get out of combat and setup again safer, however it looses effectiveness when deployed mid combat.

Overall a light buff.