Can someone explain the Sombra change to me please?

Basically a translocator can be destroyed by enemy fire before it is ready to be used, whether that happens or if it is actual deployed, the cooldown resets. This change is a buff.

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sorry, let me say it like this, the overall wait time for Translocator is shorter, because it is cooling down to be used again almost immediately when you throw it, but instead of waiting 4 seconds to use it again, you now wait 6 seconds


think of it like this, an object in motion stays in motion until stopped by an outside force, aka, Sigma’s body

lol it’s all good I just think my brain is fried and words are slowly beginning to lose meaning.

I just need to get on the PTR and see it first-hand.

maybe take some time to look over the list a few more times

Yes, I just tested it and that’s what happened.


I got used to blocking hook with it.

“A payload at rest stays at rest… [ahem]”

well, just remember then the only non-shield ability last time I checked anyway to stop hook is deflect

until I punch it…then I go backwards

Okay so this is 100% a nerf outside of a few niche situations.

That extra mobility will be very nice.

its good for sombra’s who use it as a tool to get around enemies, its bad for sombras who used it as a tool to be a bootleg tracer

Basically, it makes you a better flanker and back line poker but it’s bad when you’re trying to utilise the mobility it provides.


yeah, this basically, which is what, personally, sombra should do

I think they’re talking about it getting destroyed mid-air.

So cooldown will either start when it’s destroyed mid-air or placed.

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yeah this, again, its what I was trying to imply, but I suck with words

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I just wished that they would’ve buffed Hack already so it doesn’t get interrupted by stray bullets. :no_mouth:

That would be a massive buff, lol.

shrug maybe they will, but for now lets just try to use what we have to its best potential

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