Can Sombra please be reclassified as a Support?

Its not about killing, its about fending off and space control. I mean the core reason Brig exists is to create space around her team and fellow support. Moira’s weaker, but still effective against divers. This is not rocket science. Any coach will back me up on this. Ditto for Doom.


It’s ENTIRELY about killing.
Brig was created to kill Tracer, which was why her combo used to deal exactly the amount needed to kill Tracer - she got nerfed when it turned out that a character capable of killing Tracer is also capable of killing most of the other DPS characters with ease.

Moira was created to kill Genji, which is why her attacks are almost lock on, and she constantly healed at a rate that makes it like she has a Zen Orb on her at all times.
She was nerfed because it turned out she’s too easy to use to kill other DPS characters as well as Genji (no aim, plus self heal makes her too easy to duel with).

What we need is a Support specifically designed to kill Doomfist (not buy space, KILL).
I named Sombra because she’s the only one who has “hack” which is what is needed - something that prevents doom from being able to escape once he dives in, and thus making him easy pickings.
But I suppose that if Brig’s shield bash also applied a 3 second cooldown on all movement abilities, that could work.

The deal is simple - relying on your DPS teammates to swap is stupid - they waited a long time in Q waiting to get into a match, because they want to play THEIR favorite characters, not the ones that are actually needed at any give time.
So making the supports have to rely on them is just pointlessly cruel to the support players - gives the supports the counter option for Doom instead of leaving it only to the DPS slot.

I see your argument, but your logic is based on personal experience which is why it’s flawed.

This is a team based game. If your teammates are not using their DPS to back you up, again, that’s THEIR fault as players. Not the role in it’s entirety. Why take a DPS away from them to give supports a hero who doesn’t ACTIVELY heal?

If I need a good tank cause mine keep feeding, that’s my tank’s fault. I’m not gonna ask for Sigma or Orisa to be moved to DPS because of it. I’m gonna blame my tank players and hope I get better ones next time.

I’m sorry that you have such a frustrating time on support. But this solution is bad and quite honestly selfish.

Maybe your DPS players don’t know how to play Sombra? She’s not the only answer to Doom/Ball. Mei also exists. You wanna take her too?

I know some DPS players are set in their ways and only wanna play their hero, but not all of them are like that. Some will actually swap to take care of issues if they notice them or you tell them about it. I’ll gladly go Ashe to deal with a Pharah, Mei/Tracer for stall power in overtime, Reaper to tank bust, list goes on.

Side note: A good Ana can counter hog and make him swap since her abilities can deny him value and survivability. Can she kill him? Not without help. But she makes his job harder which is value in itself. Not all counters are “(x) kills (x)”.

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No coach will agree with this statement, I’m sorry.

People have a very, very strange blind spot about Mei’s abilities in this regard, I do not know why.

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