Can Sombra please be reclassified as a Support?

Now hear me out - I don’t want her to be changed in any way - only to be selectable by the support slots instead of the damage slots.

Now you’re probably thinking “but then no one would ever pick her” and you’ll be dead wrong on that.
Because if your healers are being harrassed by a Ball or a Doomfist, the she provides a great answer - one that the DPS players on your team will never take.
Because god forbid they’d have to stop playing “THEIR” character, to actually help with a situational problem.

So by allowing the Support players to select her, there’s actually a way to deal with Dooms and Balls in an effective manner, instead of having to depend on the selfish a-holes on your team to help.


Picking Sombra as healers basically means the 2nd healer is solo healing.


I’m probably one of the few who love solo healing, so I approve cause bias :eyes:

sadly the problem is with “support” now they have just put ones that can heal in this category and if someone takes a non-heal support that would mean there would be just 1 who was able to heal and most would complain


This idea keeps coming up and it’s never going to happen. Nobody would tolerate anyone picking Sombra over a healer and the hate Sombra players get anyway would be x1000.

The only weird part of your idea compared to the others is that you’re not using it as an excuse to delete, I mean, rework Sombra and somehow turn her into a healer.


she hacks your health and fills it by changing its id code

I dont want her deleted - I want Doom and Ball deleted.
Sombra does it

Anyone can throw out an idea like that. But how would you make it work? Like normal hack? Share cooldown? Still hack HP kits? Change other abilities to compensate? Lower damage? Remove translocator? Some of these will need to be done, or some others.

What if she could target hack on teammates, while having a big health pack hacked, using then said pack on them? (Cooldown would be halved when used on teammates)
I have no idea if that could even work…

Support Sombra used to be a thing when she gained ult charge from people using her hacked health packs. I myself used to run a 3 stack of Dva Monke Sombra and we’d try to use health packs all the time and get emp nearly every fight. It could be brought back if they gave her ult charge for healing teammates via health packs, but obvs reduced it from what it was years ago. She is the only non healing hero to be used in pro play as a support and honestly it would be awesome to see again.


I’d love this specifically so I can make Doomfist players miserable c:


Mcree is a greater threat to these two than sombra will ever be

Nice try you queue dodger. There would be a massive banwave of Sombra players.

Not even close - Flashbang lasts for less then a second, and if they have their shields up they can survive long enough to get away unless focused by multiple people.

Hack on the other hand leaves them vulnerable for several seconds, more then enough to kill them with ease.


No heal = no Support. No.

let’s make a character who’s playstyle is based on trolling and griefing both teams. what could possibly go wrong?

We were talking about Sombra, not Mei.

yeah to be fair I did describe prob half the roster.

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Go Brigitte, much better hero


No thanks, sounds terrible

Mei, Sombra, Lucio, Bastion, Doomfist, Genji, Roadhog, Symmetra and Ball…so not quite half.

Other then bastion, they are all a blast to play too. Of course other than Bastion, all the characters are fun to play. IDK, I like Sombra and how she fits into the game. But like how Mei is in some ways a pseudo-tank, Sombra is a pseudo-support. I just wish more Sombra’s would have their mics on. They can be hugely effective if the team knows what they are doing.