Can Sombra please be reclassified as a Support?

I love solo healing too. I relish the challenge!


Oh I know. It makes me want to scream when a Wrecking Ball or Doomfist are going 100% unchecked and the dps will just sit there and permalock their precious hitscan or sniper.

“Hey guys, can we get some help with this Doomfist?”
DPS player picks Mccree

It makes me want to go mental. Mccree you are hoping to land flash and finish him off (this includes with his escape abilities possibly on cooldown and/or armor that generated), where Sombra you just have to wait in the back for him to dive, hit m2, then he’s got literally no way out. Same goes for Ball.

But no, let’s just keep one tricking that Mccree.


Nope. I have enough of solo healing when paired with Zen or reddit Lucio, thank you very much…

While she used to be workable and even be used in pro-play as Support, the conditions for Support Sombra no longer exist. Besides all the outside factors that have changed with other Supports and the higher need for sustained healing from both Supports, it’s simply a complete non-starter without health pack farming.

Honestly though, as much as I doubt they will, I do rather wish they’d just return her to Support in OW2 over their current rework ideas. God forbid they turn her into a white bread assassin :nauseated_face:

Give her slightly more healing capability and she might as well be a support. Her damage is on par with the support category.

If you want her to be a throw pick - sure.

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That already happens with zen and reddit lucio players.

To me it would not make a lot of sense since she fits more as a DPS than a support, at least in her current state.

However if you want a counter to mobile heroes or a Sombra-like hero in the support category than we can make a new hero instead.

We could make Lynx 17 a hero, who is also a hacker like Sombra:

Alternatively we can also buff one of the supports to be better at dealing with mobile heroes. I am also very certain OW2 might have a hero who specializes in that as well.

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Just because Sombra can hack doesn’t mean she suddenly qualifies for support. If anything, she fits DPS because she can do SOMETHING whilst trying to disrupt the enemy team, as her role IS to be a disruptor. A big problem that would exist if Sombra got moved to Support, would mean the team would only really have one healer the whole game, likely making Sombra a very rare pick.

Thats the problem. People will pick her as support, and people generally are not fans of pretty much solo healing.

Allow her to spawn healthpacks and have their cooldown at the hacked rate. There. Sombra is a healer.

I swap to Sombra as a DPS all the time because Tanks/Supp always play “THEIR” hero and never swap to deal with the counters.

Lucio can put out some decent healing if you get one who actually heals and Zen at least has a good ult and orbs works well on certain heroes … you just can’t leave the fight to grab a med pack.

This is a terrible idea. Sombra is a DPS hero, flat out. Her primary function is to do damage and secure kills for the team. Your complaint seems more orientated towards DPS players in general. If your support players are being flanked, it’s not entirely on the rest of their team to defend them. Your supports have to defend themselves also. And, if it becomes that big an issue, your tanks have tanks they can swap to to help, your DPS have DPS heros they can swap to to help, and the support lineup also has support heros they can swap to to help.

Awful idea. Sombra’s healing is a joke. Always was, and always will be. Even if hacked health packs were massively buffed to instantly heal any hero to full HP on pickup, they are simply placed too far out of the way from the main fighting zones for most heroes to run away to, and the time spent being away is more of a disadvantage to their team during a fight.

Right now, Sombra is a extremely useful for D.Va comps, as she is able to combo her EMP with D.Va’s Self Destruct, enabling it for make play-making kills instead of being the “zoning ult” joke that it is now; and hack is important for disabling the barriers of shield characters to enhance the success of Dive comps. Yet D.Va herself is a very healing-demanding tank, needing strong healers for optimal performance, and often two main healers at that. A support-based Sombra would force most of the healing to the only other support player, completely reversing the synergy these two have and make them into hindrances for each other, which is counter to good Overwatch hero design.

it was a joke, considering i said ID CODE

They can easily go something like Brig or Ana and counter the Ball or Doomfist. Going Sombra specifically just to counter those heroes almost never works out because… well now you have a Sombra on your team, and she generally doesn’t work out unless her team has extreme coordination.

Sombra’s supporting though is very poor

Health packs are situated too far away from common fight locations to be of any great help. I’d rather not lose out on a healer in exchange for better health packs because they aren’t useful enough to replace a healer.

Sombra’s hacking is much better considered as a damage tool than a support tool. If you consider it a support tool, then you will probably be trying to hack tanks and other frontline units all match. This will be much harder to pull off than simply going for assassinations, and getting those supports is pretty valuable because if you succeed then good, and otherwise people at the front will be distracted.

Sombra is a damage character with support elements, but overall you should be focusing on getting eliminations with her.

The problem with Brig/Ana is that they have short term stuns and are low DPS heroes. You still require a full concentration of fire power from multiple heroes to take hammond down before he can escape. Particularly if he gets shields up. Its also hard to coordinate chunking Hammond off a short stun.

Hacking hammond legit stops him from really going anywhere for 5 seconds. Stops his ability to get shields out. Prevents ball form. The window to retaliate against him is much wider on top of being able to remove rear 250 health packs from him.

The benefit from Sombra is that if people usually stay hammond and are not getting value out of him sombra’s pick is great as your building easy ult charge. If hammond ever did change, you could yolo an emp into a situation for some team fight win and try to die, then swap.

Sombra is harder to justify using on doomfist. He can frequently get kills before hack might come out. Someone like McCree I feel is a better doomfist counter. McCree has the same issue in a way against hammond. Its hard to burst this hero down yourself unless people full concentrate fire power into him.

Which usually the issue with Hammond is people not being able to do enough damage before he rolls away.

Tbh that seems more like a problem with Ball than anything else.

“Hey if we use five stuns on Ball maybe there’s a small chance we might be able to maybe kill him” - playing against a Ball in a nutshell, well designed hero btw, nerfs were undeserved btw.