Can Pink Mercy get pink healing beams?

How about pink healing beam and white damage boost?

I was going to say that it’s her play of the game intro… but you’re more correct. I don’t think Mercy has seen a play of the game in a very long time.

Your idea is the same as mine! I once published related posts in my country’s gaming community, but not many people are optimistic about me. My own English is not good either, but I think Angel’s charity skin should have her own highlights, such as healing beams. I don’t think this will affect the fairness of the game. I’m just trying to make my own ideas work hard. I’m trying to get developers to see what I think and possibly adopt my ideas. So when I saw your post, I felt it. It is not just me who is fighting, although so many people are not optimistic about us.
I use the English translation of the translator. It may not be particularly fluent. Please forgive me.


Lol, good to see you Icetomeetyou👍

The effort to make 27 different skins is too high, and it would be weird for new heroes not having these skins

It can’t really be called “Pink Mercy” if the healing beam color isn’t pink too.

That was my first thought to why it isnt pink? Pls blizzard!

Okay, you people do realise that sometimes you want to know if the Pharmercy combo shooting at you is currently damage boosting or healing right? Okay. Good.

blue is damage boost, if its not blue there is a really high chance it might be healing

I was actually thinking of this and it’s a great idea, since she has special colours for her pistol and the lunar new year intro (also special, magical and fairy-like sounds).

Having to check the skin a character is using just to confirm the abilities really isn’t good.

blue is damage boost with every skin. So no matter what skin you use blue would still be damage boost

Hows about we don’t and say we did.

Everyone knows in this game that yellow = heals. That is consistent across every character. Why on earth would that get changed for a single character skin?

why change the color of her bullets. From yellow to pink. There isn’t consistency with every skin

no, because healing is yellow and it would confuse players
healing should stay yellow

I never said anything about the damage boost color. =)

This exists already?

I didn’t see 15 days ago…
Maybe i misunderstood. ANyway she has a pink valkyrie wings

Oh god yes that would be awesome